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Psychology Encore Episode: My Therapist is Paid in Hay... with Sandra Dee Robinson
Julie Anderson
Politics Conservative Meet Jeff Zink Congressional Candidate For Arizona CD 3
AMERICA First Patriot Podcast
Other Manna 101 Salvation Ed;False Conversion False Convert False SalvationFalseSpirit
Revelation Of The Mystery
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Prime Radio Hour |008|
in Software
Hello, & Welcome to Prime Book One's Prime Radio Hour Episode 8, May 12th 2024. I, am the Microsoft Aria Speech Reader and I will be your Prime Minister host for tonight. Prime Book One is an endeavor to document primes for the betterment of computing. This Founder's series is part 8 of 8 episodes, a reading of the Crowd Source Prime Dilligence Framework Guidelines. A compendium of instructions, formation steps, and goals aimed by querries to Open AI's GPT by Founder Jason Isaac Brodsky. This episode's main subjects discussed are: Transparancy and accountability We begin our read of the Prime Dilligence Framework Guidelines version 0 0 5 page 154. https://primebookone.github.io/framework/framework.html Thank you my friends and here we go.
Do have a wonderful wonderful, Prime Time.
Encore Episode: My Therapist is Paid in Hay... with Sandra Dee Robinson
in Psychology
We are visiting pre-covid 2018 in today's encore episode, an amazing show exploring how animals can be used as therapeutic ways to get past blocks, heal trauma, and improve our physical and mental health. Julie has a wonderful convo with Equine Assisted Learning specialist Sandra Dee Robinson in this special two-part encore presentation of Brain Lady Speaks. Connect with Sandra:
SandraDeeRobinson.com Facebook Instagram LinkedIn YouTube Connect with Brain Lady Julie Do you have a great question or topic you'd like Brain Lady Julie to cover? Think you'd be a great guest? Message our producer Kelli@BrainLadySpeaker.com and let us know. PLEASE NOTE: The information contained in this podcast is not at any time and for any reason meant to replace the guidance and/or treatment of any health professional. Whether it be a medical doctor, psychologist, psychotherapist, or anyone in the medical field. If you are under the care of such a health professional, remember this is an “added value” and not designed to replace any care you are currently under.
Meet Jeff Zink Congressional Candidate For Arizona CD 3
Jeff Zink states "It is an absolute honor to announce my candidacy for the United States Congress. Representing Congressional District 3 for Arizona. With years of life experience under my belt, I am proud to stand before you as someone who deeply values the core principles that have shaped our nation: family, faith, and the fundamental freedoms we all enjoy as Americans. These principles are not just words to me, but the very heart and soul of our country. If elected, I promise to protect and uphold these values so that they continue to thrive for future generations. Together, let's create a brighter future in Arizona, where our families are strong, our faith is cherished, and our freedoms remain a guiding light for all. Join national political commentator/host Chauncey I. Brown III for a very insightfull discussion with congressional candidate Jeff Zink.
Manna 101 Salvation Ed;False Conversion False Convert False SalvationFalseSpirit
in Other
Salvation education, fellowship, communion. The real Jesus Christ who he is who he's not. The marks of a false conversion. Have cracker and grape juice on hand for communion in remembrance. No calls. amstartestamonial@gmail.com
Revelation Of The Mystery Vlog; Body And Bride Of Christ Are Different
in Spirituality
From Right Divider yt channel. Body And Bride of Christ are different and separate entities. No calls grace and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ amstartestamonial@gmail.com
Talking It Up radio
Join us today for another segment of Talking It Up where we talk about everything.
Test the new show
in Education
Today is a test only.
Testing testing 123
Chetgjsduebbjfj kjjfdouuenbjuudbksksbn kjueiyhdccjdjbdojjc njdujdujuoojsn mwjjddqlkhoihlkqwdkkn
The end
Biscuit and Tea Mystic
in Spirituality
call 323 792-2917
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join peter and angela and j
call forprivate apt 561 333-5367
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