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- Archived Episodes (99)
Women in Reiki, with Amanda Jayne
in Spirituality
Happy Monday, Alchemist!
It’s common in Reiki training to learn about the history of Reiki, and to learn about three people: Usui Sensei, Hayashi Sensei, and Ms. Takata. But you may be surprised to know how influential and vital other women were in the presence of Reiki today. On this episode, we learn from Amanda Jayne, co-author of, Women in Reiki. She shares some stories of women in Reiki, as well as her own journey with the practice.
Amanda has been interested in health and the healing arts for a long time, and after finishing University she began to pursue a career in the field of psychology. It was only a couple of years later, after her father died of cancer, and her own health was not so great, that she decided to leave her job to go and see the world. Amanda wanted to explore the healing that could be found in the wonder of seeing and experiencing amazing, beautiful places and learning about other cultures firsthand. At some point, she ended up studying Reiki in Japan, which you’ll hear more about. Then learn more about Amanda’s work at http://learnjikidenreiki.com
Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at http://theenergeticalchemist.com, and register for the Reiki Retreat in San Diego! Also order your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle and sign up for the newsletter while you're there! xo
Aleksandr Dugin and Traditional Hermeticism
in Spirituality
On Thursday May 16th, 2024 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review and discuss Russian Philosopher Aleksandr Dugin's relation to Traditional Hermeticism, Nazi Theosophy, and occult themes influencing his geopolitical "Eurasia" movement, which seems to have evolved into a chaos magick doomsday cult. We will also review his insightful critique of Western (Anglo-Saxon) individualistic Liberalism as presented in a recent interview with a controversial talk show host. Our other sources are: "The American Empire Should be Destroyed" (2014) by James D. Heiser and "Dugin against Dugin, a Traditonalist Critique of the Fourth Political Theory" (2018) by Charles Upton. We will also discuss the contemporary slandering of the Hermetic Tradition in America linking it to Marxism by James Lindsay; an assumption expertly refuted by Dr. Justin Sledge on Esoterica. So if you want meet the man they call Putin's Rasputin, join us Thursday night.
Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour:Pai of Panda I Ching Oracle w/ Z. Mann Zilla 5/5
in Spirituality
The Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour is a real, live call-in show where the general public gets a chance to ask about actual problems with love, career, and spiritual protection, and we recommend and fully describe hoodoo rootwork spells to address, ameliorate, and remediate their issues. We begin this Oracle Hour show with a Tutorial on The Pai of Panda I Ching Oracle Deck. You will learn a lot just by listening -- but if you sign up at the Lucky Mojo Forum and call in and your call is selected, you will get a free consultation from three of the finest workers in the field, cat yronwode, ConjureMan, and a special guest, Z. Mann Zilla.
Sign up before the show to appear as a client! Post at the Lucky Mojo Forum at:
Then call in at 818-394-8535 and dial '1' to flag our Studio Board Operator that you want to be on the air! We select new client sign-ups first and then call-back sign-ups. Call in just before the show begins and listen via your phone. Message the Announcer or the Studio Board Operator ("Lucky Mojo Curio Company") in chat to let them know you're available.
The Secret Life of Mother Mary
in Spirituality
Esoteric scholar, award-winning author, and global authority on virgin birth, Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D. presents a bold new vision of Mother Mary as a holy priestess and spiritual master: • Explores obscured periods of Mary’s life, including her time as leader of the Christian community and as the spiritual teacher to Jesus and Mary Magdalene • Examines Mary’s high-level powers, which enabled the divine conception of Jesus, his resurrection, and Mary’s assumption into heaven • Shows how nurturing a relationship with Mother Mary can provide healing, empowerment, and the development of your own womb powers
Marguerite will also speak about the exciting upcoming event, Starwalker Cafe with William Henry. https://www.consultingproductions.com/0511TheMotherMary
Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D., is the founder of https://www.sevensistersmysteryschool.com/, a world-renowned teacher of sacred knowledge, and the foremost authority on the history of virgin birth. A trusted mentor to people on healing and spiritual paths, she draws on her decades-long research and experiences with Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene to help uncover their hidden, timeless teachings and apply them to our present-day needs. The award-winning author has several books including The Secret Life of Mother Mary: Divine Feminine Power for Personal Healing and Planetary Awakening and The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception: Mary and the Lineage of Virgin Births. Preorders for her new book are available on Amazon
At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, with topics of interest and hope for starseeds.
Discovering Your Life's Purpose
in Spirituality
We're thrilled to announce this week’s inspiring episode on the Empowered Empath Podcast, where we delve deep into understanding and finding our life's purpose. If you've ever found yourself pondering, "What am I really meant to do?" - this episode is a must-listen! What You’ll Discover:
1. **Reframing Your Reality:** Learn how to pivot and reframe upsetting situations to align more closely with your spiritual path, turning day-to-day discord into powerful, purposeful living.
2. **Cultivating Spiritual Connections:** Jennifer sheds light on how to enhance your relationship with your spiritual body, diving into practices that allow you to connect deeply with your intuitive and psychic abilities.
3. **Evolving Purpose:** Discover why your purpose is not a one-time discovery but a series of evolving shifts that respond to your life's experiences and spiritual development.
4. **The Power of Questioning:** Explore how questioning societal rules and the so-called 3D realities can open doors to deeper spiritual insights and fulfillment of your true calling.
5. **Mentorship for Spiritual Development:** Uncover the importance of guidance and mentorship in fully understanding and embracing your role, especially if you naturally lean towards healing and empathetic professions.
Divine Vibrations with David Christopher Lewis
in Spirituality
In the first of three anticipated segments, David Christopher Lewis joins me to discuss his spiritual path and accomplishments under the umbrella of The Hearts Center, an Aquarian Essene Spiritual Community with satellite groups in the United States and nine other countries, including Canada.
David is an inspired spiritual teacher, musical composer, author and, like me, a Clear (Conscious) Channel for Jesus (one who relays or records messages from Spirit while fully conscious) as well as Ascended Masters and numerous members of the Divine, including Kuan Yin.
A dedicated spiritual student for five decades, David began receiving telepathic communications from the ascended masters in 2004, instructing him to launch a new movement.
After getting to know David, we discuss his book, Jesus’ Jewels of Joy (available at the website and on Amazon).
At the end, David brings forth a message from Jesus...the first time I've ever heard him speak through someone else.
Learn more about David's community, offerings and other books at TheHeartsCenter.org.
Visit SpiritualInsightsRadio.com to book an Energetic Healing session with Charlotte, including the life-changing Ultra Clearing with Yeshua and the Archangels. Private sessions with Yeshua are available! Join the Spiritual Insights Community and gain access to exclusive content and events by subscribing to the newsletter.
Thank you for tuning in!
Dr. Sara:Transcending the Norm
in Spirituality
Dr. Sara talks delivers a moving broadcast about transcending the norm to increase happiness and create the life you want to live. She discusses how we can experience more of what we want and a more positive inner reality by focusing on what we love in everyday life, activities, and ventures; as well as a meditation practice to help shift you out of old subconscious patterns and into a new, upgraded version of yourself. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Sara at www.drsaraspowart.com. She welcomes any questions, comments and requests for support. https://loaradionetwork.com/dr-sara
Episode # 719 - 5/19/2024
in Spirituality
Join us for the latest channeled information about creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, & self-love. Call in to receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully create what you want. Discover & release blocks & move back into the vibration that allows you to expand & manifest. Powerful, fun, & informative, this show is what you have been looking for!
Listen to Dee on the following radio networks:
BBS Radio - http://bbsradio.com/consciouscreation iTunes/Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conscious-creation-radio-show/id574823210 Google Podcast - https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL3Nob3cvMzYzMDY5OC9lcGlzb2Rlcy9mZWVk Transformation.fm on Transformation Talk Radio - https://www.transformationtalkradio.com/host/dee-wallace,105.html Himalaya - https://www.himalaya.com/Spirituality-podcasts/conscious-creation-radio-show-885312 -
People Aren’t Nice?
in Spirituality
Join Shaman as she explains the difficulty face with being kind in today's world. Learn as she covers the blessings of kindness and karma. She will also be leading you in a special prayer!
We appreciate your support for our podcast. Here is the link to our Venmo account as mentioned in the show: https://account.venmo.com/u/lifepurposeshaman
New Episodes air FRIDAY at 10am EST/ 9am CST/ 8am MST/ 7am PST. Want to be the first notified of live shows? Sign up for Shaman's mailing HERE.
If you have suggestions for other shows please send an email to karmatalkshow@gmail.com
Follow Tammy on Instagram for daily content! @lifepurposeshaman
Visit my Linktree to see my offerings and learn more about me. Check out my courses in my LinkTree also. https://linktr.ee/lifepurposeshaman
Sister 2 Sister
in Spirituality
Sister 2 Sister
A show by sisters for sisters. Becoming a holy, set apart daughter of Yah, is of a great price. Tune in to be edified, encouraged, strengthened, and taught about the biblical way we ought to be as women in the Israelite faith.
Your host Sister Ashley and esteemed guest Mother Carol. Welcome to the university of the painful truth!
Telephathic Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at 7pm ET with norawalksinspirit
in Spirituality
The Infinite Masters came to me one early morning with a Message to Transmit Knowledge with a Master Light Activation to prepare all for the upcoming Month ahead. The Master Message will prepare their Hearts and Minds for the Vibrations of Light Energies that will be transmitted in a Word of Knowledge delivered through Nora in Light Languages.
I welcome you to sit back and enjoy Telepathic Tuesday at 7PM, as the Infinite Masters of Light Intelligences from Multi-Dimensions and ME will connect with You, your Spirit Guides, Masters, Angelic Ones and all Teachers/Masters and Gate Keepers to soar into Reality Realms of Light.
DISCLAIMER: The Healings and Techniques performed are not intended to be used as an alternative or substitute for Professional Medical treatment and care. Please note that during the reading of channels you will be energetically guided and connected with the Channeled LIGHT BEINGS who may elevate and activate your own Divine Gifts within. An All Knowing and Understanding that all is in Divine Orchestration of LOVE, LIGHT & PEACE may become fully operational as well.
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