Broadcast live
BlogTalkRadio allows anyone to broadcast live radio
conversations to and from anywhere in the world.
Our Story
Launched in 2006, BlogTalkRadio is an audio
web-based platform that allows anyone to
create live and on-demand talk content on the
If you’re a radio broadcaster at heart,
BlogTalkRadio gives you the ability to go live
with it’s web-based studio and host
multi-participant broadcasts using just a
computer and a phone.
In January 2018 BlogTalkRadio was acquired by Voxnest, the
largest podcast monetization platform on the market.
Say goodbye to complicated audio routing setups and equipment confusion, it's as easy as picking up a phone to broadcast.

Our Pathners
What’s the common thread between At&T, Columbia University, Lexus, Johnson &
Johnson, Harper Collins and Sears? They have all used BlogTalkRadio for business.