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Close Up Radio Spotlights Brian Horner of Kid Innovation College
in Education
Naperville, IL – Brian Horner is a respected educator with a career spanning over a quarter of a century. He teaches in a gifted education program within District 203 in Naperville, Illinois. He is also the founder of Kid Innovation College which offers academic enrichment to students and is a consultant with the Institute for the Habits of Mind.
Founded in 2008, Kid Innovation College is an academic enrichment camp in the summer that offers advanced and thought-provoking courses that cater to the kindergarten through fifth grade students. Teachers at Kid Innovation College are not only encouraged to explore topics and courses that they have a passion about, but also intertwine important “thinking themes” within each course. These can be essential thinking behaviors such as persistence, empathy, or responding with wonderment and awe.
Brian describes his program as highly metacognitive, which means that he gets the students to think about thinking, which is one of the sixteen Habits of Mind, according to The Institute for Habits of Mind. On April 5th 2024, Brian had the opportunity to speak at the Habits of Mind Conference in Vista, CA, on the topic of Activating Metacognition in the Classroom.
As for the future, Brian plans to continue his teaching. A long-term goal that he holds is to eventually offer consulting to other school districts to help them incorporate the art of strategic thinking within their classrooms.
For consulting purposes you can reach out to Brian at mrhorner.KIC@gmail.com or The Institute for the Habits of Mind
UDL: Faith in The Holy Quran Moves Mountains
in Education
13:31 If there were a reading or recitation by which mountains were moved, or the earth divided and separated, or the dead were made to speak, (this would be the one!) But truly, the command is with Allah in all things!
Season 2 - Epi. 5 - The Current State of Education - Roundtable Discussion
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The Current State of Education - Roundtable Discussion Presented by Gordavi, LLC on TRIBE Family Channel in association with Hummingbird and Yellow Rose Productions, invites your participation to join Co-Moderators Dr. Demetra Adams Davis, Veteran and CEO of Gordavi, LLC., and Civil Rights Icon, Dr. Joseph Jackson, Jr., Leader of Tougaloo Nine, in a roundtable discussion about The Current State of Education in America.
Join us May 6th - May 10th as we break down the issues impacting our community and explore solutions for change with a panel of guest educators, impacting how our children learn.
Call 515-605-9741 at: 4:00pm/PST 5:00pm/GMT 6:00pm/CST 7:00pm/EST GUEST PANELISTS PLEASE CALL 5 MINUTES EARLY FOR SOUND CHECK! PRESS 1 to speak during the Q/A segment at :45 after the hour.
Listen Online LIVE/ARCHIVED: www.blogtalkradio.com/gumboforthesoul
TRIBE Family Channel is a Gumbo for the Soul International family brand created, owned and operated by Beverly Black Johnson. All Rights Reserved.
Another Fork in the Road - Mimi Hayes - Survivor, Author, Comedienne
in Education
Meet Mimi Hayes - Brain Injury Survivor, Author, & Comedienne. Mimi had her brain injury when she was only 22 years old. While on a blind date, Mimi had a migraine. A week later she began to have weird symptoms and her life ws forever changd.
Mimi is the author of her book, I'll Be OK. It's Just a Hole in My Head.
Every TBI survivor and caregiver has encountered a fork in the road that has diverted his or her life-plan. A car accident, a fall from the roof, doing one more chin-up, or a door literally slamming one in the face are just some causes of traumatic brain injury. College plans, walking down the aisle in the perfect dress, or the coveted job quickly slip from reality as dreams turn to struggle. These unexpected life-happenings that divert one from his or her chosen path in life can be devastating. But as Yogi Berra once said, "If you come to a fork in the road, take it." Life is all about choices! To learn more about me, please visit my blog and website.
Surviving Traumatic Brain Injury Blog: survivingtraumaticbraininjury.com
Author of Prisoners without Bars: A Caregiver's Tale: donnafigurski.com
Donna's Blog: donnaodonnellfigurski.wordpress.com
COMMON SENSE for DUMMIES: Internet Blues
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PLEASE... Join Eva along with her co-host Hope on tonight's episode of COMMON SENSE for DUMMIES, Internet Blues. Tonight they'll be discussing the Effects of Social Media on Mental Health.
Permalink: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/infinitesource/2024/05/03/common-sense-for-dummies-internet-blues
Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/12336008
MOORISH light Radio Divine and National
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Sura 13:19-22 Differences between Divine and NationaL
Actt 4.—All members must preserve these Holy and Divine laws,
What are the Holy and Divine Laws?
and all members must obey the laws of the government,
What is the Government?
because by being a Moorish American, you are a part and partial of the government, and must live the life accordingly.
Why are we part and partial of the Government?
Who were we in 1774?
Whigamoors- an American who supported independence from Great Britain during the American Revolution.
Act 5.—This organization of the Moorish Science Temple of America is not to cause any confusion or to overthrow the laws and constitution of the said government but to obey hereby
Act 6.—With us all members must proclaim their nationality and we are teaching our people their nationality and their divine creed that they MAY/MUST know that they are a PART and a PARTIAL of this said government,
and know that they are not Negroes, Colored Folks, Black People, or Ethiopians, because these names were given to slaves by slave holders in 1779 and lasted until 1865 during the time of slavery
What Law was brought up on the floor of the Senate when discussing our Constitutional Freedom?
"Not So Mad Science" w/Host Prof. Harold Muhammad
in Education
Government changes to the Heat Index reporting, are Black youth marked for death, do the statistic bear this out. Covid the saga continues. Links to higher mortality rates 18 to 40. What is the true meaning of "EDUCATION".
Christians in world politics: Proverbs 29:2.
in Education
"When the righteous rule, the people rejoice. "
Shopping is a Girls Best Friend
in Education
Do you miss the days when you use to go the the mall and spend all day going from store to store?
Trying on clothes just to see what you would look like, even if you could'nt afford it?
So many of the places we grew up going to are now closed or online shopping ONLY!
Well, I would love for you to be my shopping Bestie. Yes, we can do our virtual mall adventures.
Let's Talk about it!
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Many agree that education is the foundation to a more fulfilling life. It's certainly the jumping-off point for all who've gone on to make amazing discoveries, solve civil engineering issues, launch startups, create unforgettable art and provide for families. To paraphrase Michelangelo, we're all still learning, and it's never too late to cultivate a skill or explore new career opportunities. Our education offerings may be the start of your next big adventure, or give you insight into the human condition. Prepping for exams? Get strategy for the CPA exam, GED, LSAT, GMAT, SAT and more. Join the conversation on all and sundry topics you wish to learn more about, including philosophy, how to be an effective teacher, human rights, leadership development, adult learning, school reform, the financial crisis, antiques, disaster preparedness, racism, youth conference workshops, marketing, playwrighting, even how to be a hot dog vendor or make your own tarot deck.