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- Archived Episodes (4)
Peace title it is about peace in the Lord in Jesus of Nazareth is peace amen
in Prayer
Come in and be blessed for life is good in Christ Jesus it's May the 27th come in and be blessed the show starts at 8:30 if you need any prayers or testimonies please call into the show and I'll gladly put you on the air come in and be blessed with life is good in Christ Jesus amen
Pastor Beatrice Smith and the Full Gospel House of Prayer family
in Prayer
5/7/24 Intercessory Prayer for all of The Most High God. Join us at 7 PM California time and 9 PM Eastern standard time at (515) 602-9797 to be connected with Pastor Beatrice Smith and the Full Gospel House of Prayer family bringing Glory and Praise to the Throne of God through Intercessory prayer. Live from Sacramento California. If you are in need of Healing, Deliverance or Prayer this is where you will want to be every Tuesday night.
Come in and be blessed for life is good in Christ
in Prayer
If you have anxiety and you don't know where to turn this is the person place to come to my brother Timmie come in and listen. Her life is good in
Voice of true broadcast
in Prayer
Let me introduce myself my name is Brother Timmie No matter what we go