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Fundraising for Organizations and non-profits with Cheaper dental plans
in Non-Profit
Fundraising for Organizations and non-profits with Cheaper dental plans on building Fortunes Radio In today's society, the American public is bombarded everyday from all sides for donations. How can you choose who to help, especially with the constant rising costs just to pay expenses and keep a family going.
Cheaper Dental Visit is a dental plan that accepts everyone. No contracts, so you can cancel anytime. Our savings offer anywhere from 15% to 50% on dental procedures, and our Family Plan is only $19.95 per month, plus a one time administration fee of $4.95. Our Family Plan will include as many immediate family members living in the household, and we have thousands of Dentists to choose from.
Here is how we can help your school, church, or non-profit organization. We will provide you with your own 'Discount Code' that can be applied while checking out. This will automatically do two things, first eliminate the $4.95 administration fee, and lower the monthly Family Plan. Now a family will only pay $14.90 per month, a 25% savings.
Now,with your Discount Code ,this will allow us to track everyone that you signed up, and starting the second month, your organization will receive $2.50 per policy, and you will receive $2.50 per month as long as the policy stays in place.
So many families are bypassing dental procedures due to the high costs. Now there is an affordable option, did you know that 3.5 million people per year get braces, now they can save thousands of dollars.
Please go to CheaperDentalVisit.com, and use this Demo code, DBM, and you will see how the codes work. This is a perfect fundraising option.
Close Up Radio Spotlights Terry Moede of TK Moede Consulting
in Non-Profit
Eugene, OR - When you’re walking down the street and see a homeless person injured, or in trouble or unconscious, what do you do? Do you walk by… do you stop to assist? Terry Moede of TK Moede Consulting implores you to take action. “If you cannot stop to assist, call 911, or stop someone to assist or engage,” explains Terry.
Who are these homeless people, these underserved people? The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development acknowledges four categories of people who qualify as legally homeless: 1) those who are currently homeless, 2) those who will become homeless in the imminent future, 3) certain youths and families with children who suffer from home instability, caused by a hardship, and 4) those who suffer from home instability caused by domestic violence.
Beginning her career as a respiratory therapist in 1970, Terry worked as a direct care giver for 17 years. In 1987, she transitioned to IT, working on the first computer systems designed to gather demographic, financial and health data that supports patient care (EHR). As a certified PMP/professional project manager, Terry moved on to work with various healthcare delivery systems and Fortune 500 companies. Terry founded TK Moede Consulting Services in 2008.
In 2019, she focused her professional background to help non-profits serve the underserved. In this advisory capacity, she has been working with White Bird Clinic in Eugene, OR, whose mission is to provide compassionate, humanistic healthcare and supportive services.
As for the future, Terry shares, “I am questionable and concerned about our future. Homelessness has become normalized in America/invisible.”
For more information about Terry Moede or TK Moede Consulting, please visit https://www.tkmservices.com