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Progressive news & analysis from Florida and around the world Produced and Hosted by Jeanine Molloff Producer Emeritus Rick Spisak

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This week on EJR, I will discuss the enormous amount of taxpayer money going to fossil fuel companies in the form of subsidies. Reporting will include a study by the prominent medical journal, The Lancet, which will make the case for ending this taxpayer welfare to fossil fuel welfare mommas. Authors at The Lancet explain how these subsidies could be used to fund universal health coverage for all. We will also have our 'Jackass of the Week" Award. Come join me. Jeanine

On-Demand Episodes

Big banks are still bankrolling the fossil fuel industry. Claims coming from Wall Street that they are going 'green' are nothing but a big lie. We will speak to this ongoing public relations scam aka 'greenwashing'. That is our first story. Our... more

This week on EJR I will discuss how climate scientists worldwide are blowing the whistle on corporate lies about global climate devastation. Many of these renowned climate scientists are plainly stating the the 1.5 degree goal was... more

We will look at the decades old disinformation campaign sponsored by big petroleum pushing the lie that global warming is overblown, a hoax, a 'Chicken Little' panic. This campaign has lulled the public into a false sense of safety. Just... more

Academics and environmental justice campaigners are demanding that the International Criminal Court (ICC), begin investigating and prosecuting environmental criminals. This demand would most likely include prosecution of... more

The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) current brings warm air to the EU resulting in warmer climates than you would expect so close to the Arctic. Unfortunately it is coming closer to collapse which could result in climate... more

This week I will discuss the treachery of conservatives on the Supreme Court. Apparently, section 3 of the 14th Amendment doesn't apply to presidents who commit insurrection. But, that's not the end of this mockery as the Trump claim... more

This week, I will be discussing the way Nazis were openly welcomed in Nashville by the GOP. Now to be fair, republican office holders did "denounce" the Nazis--but this denunciation was as credible as a hooker's exclamation that her... more

This week I am going to discuss the Gish Gallop aka how to shovel BULLSHIT as fast as possible in the poltiical sphere--and how to counter it. Trump and his GOP have become experts at the art of throwing bullshit at opponents. They... more

Trump is guilty of insurrection. Period. He must be banned from holding any office ever again. This plea for sanity and justice goes far beyond Donald Trump. If Trump isn't made to face justice, his MAGA lynch mob will become bolder.... more

This week on EJR, I will discuss the impending end of the Chevron Doctrine. First created to establish EPA regulatory power, the doctrine has allowed federal agencies such as the EPA to create regulations consistent with the law, while... more

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