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Sunbury Press Books Show--"Merchants of Iniquity" Author John D. Cressler
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The fourth and final volume of the Anthems of al-Andalus series, John D. Cressler takes the reader to Spain and tells the tale of forbidden love during a bloody war that heralds the end of a golden age. As must a tale of fiction, it is also one of history, which most never learn about in the west.
Most of modern Spain was under Muslim control from 711 to 1492 C.E. This time was one of deep influence in world events, including the rediscovery, translation and dissemination of the lost works of science, medicine, and philosophy of the ancient Greeks. The Umayyads were great lovers of books and learning, and during the 10th and 11th centuries was a period of religious and spiritual acceptance, where Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities embraced one another. The three traditions sparked a cultural revolution.
This discussion with host Lawrence Knorr provides insight into centuries past, and how faiths lived and grew together and inspired immense change, now seemingly lost.
John D. Cressler is the Schlumberger Chair Professor in Electronics at Georgia Tech. His debut novel, "Emeralds of the Alhambra," was released by Sunbury Press in 2013, followed by "Shadows in the Shining City," and "Fortune's Lament." He is also the author of non-fiction works that include "Silicon-Germanium Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors," "Silicon Earth," and "Extreme Environment Electronics." You can find out more about him at his website.
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Don't ask don't follow
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Voice of Indie Episode 201
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Welcome to Voice of Indie, a production of Fresh Ink Group. Your hosts are Beem Weeks and Stephen Geez. This week we welcome author Cheryl Carpinello.
Welcome Cara Lopez Lee
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In 1910, a 12-year old Candelaria River a and her family flea a rise the Chihuahua Desert to America to escape the rising violence of the Mexican Revolution. Meanwhile 20!year old Yan Chi Wing flees the Chinese Revolution and a shattering loss also bound for America. They meet in El Paso , Texas where the struggle to make a home in a world that does not want them, until a terrible desire threatens to destroy their lives.
Follow Her Down
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Voice of Indie Episode 202
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Welcome to Voice of Indie, a production of Fresh Ink Group. Your hosts are Beem Weeks and Stephen Geez. This week we welcome a return visit with children's author B. A. Johnson.
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Voice of Indie Episode 203
in Books
Welcome to Voice of Indie, a production of Fresh Ink Group. Your hosts are Beem Weeks and Stephen Geez. This week we welcome a return visit with voice actor Trenton Bennett.