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Porque Hay Que Tener Verguenza
in News
No te pierdas las noticias y análisis de última hora, en directo con Jorge E. Seijo.
Nuestra Meta: "Buscar la verdad que otros pretenden esconder detrás de las noticias de última hora."
Nuestra Verdad: "La logica está muerta; la excelencia es condenada, y la mediocridad es altamente venerada."
La ignorancia no te da el derecho de ser torpe, así como el desconocimiento de las leyes no te autoriza a violarlas. ¡Hay que tener verguenza, dignidad y verticalidad!
Sigueme en:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeseijo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jorge-E-Seijo-Figueroa-1254100121294507/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfVPGPUwAeSBlI0F-eNQ-nw Website: https://jorgeseijo.com/ ¡Somos Noticia!
Proof Negative Radio Show: REAL Patriot News
Welcome to the Proof Negative Radio Show! We have been on air since January 2010. We focus on alternative news, independent politics, & health and wellness.
We reserve the right to go off topic and have fun on air as well.
Freedomizer Radio does NOT embrace socialism, or pursue what the 1% global elites want us to do or think.
We do not monitor this chat room. We do ask everyone check out our website http://www.freedomizerradio.com where everyone can listen live and join our chat
Mambo Deportivo
in News
Todos los jueves a las 7:00 pm, sintoniza el único lugar donde se cubren las últimas noticias, análisis, entretenimiento, chismes y lo más divertido del mundo del deporte con el estilo único de Rommy Segarra.
Cubriendo todo lo acontecido en el deporte local e internacional, ya sean eventos especiales o recurrentes, Rommy te trae un resumen con la información mas completa de lo que pasa dentro y fuera del campo deportivo.
Proof Negative Radio Show: REAL Patriot News
Welcome to the Proof Negative Radio Show! We have been on air since January 2010. We focus on alternative news, independent politics, & health and wellness.
We reserve the right to go off topic and have fun on air as well.
Freedomizer Radio does NOT embrace socialism, or pursue what the 1% global elites want us to do or think.
We do not monitor this chat room. We do ask everyone check out our website http://www.freedomizerradio.com where everyone can listen live and join our chat
Delivering the Truth Exposing The Lies
Join Diana and Russ every Thursday from 7:30 PM EST to 9 PM EST Every show we talk about current events, fantastic guests, and a little bit of drama and comedy all mixed in one.
Check out our website at deliveringthetruth.com
To inspire change in the way America views Black people and achieve economic
Welcome Royal Family the royal court is now in session todays show is dedicated to you. Our Mission - To eliminate falsehoods, speak truth and nutrition to our brothers and sisters, bring about Black consciousness, unity, and self-sufficiency. Our Vision - To inspire change in the way America views Black people and achieve economic independence in black communities. We will share some ideas on how we might take action. What's our next step as Black People? How about signing a petition
LAST WEEK I DISCUSSED the claim that Jews are orchestrating the gigantic anti-Israel movement on college campuses in the US and the West, which is pretty obviously not true — though I do agree that the anti-Zionist protestors are very foolish to give full trust or (the gods forbid) leadership positions, to Jews showing up to help them (or perhaps I should say “help” them). Everyone, even the youngest and the most naïve, should know by now the “by way of deception” tricks that they’re so famous for, and the deep cover they’re often able to assume, with state-level actors like the US and Israel behind them.
Best way is to donate to the National Alliance send your letters of support along w checks, well-concealed cash, or m.o. to National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City TN 37683
NationalVanguard.com G: KevinStrom
Support Resolution RADIO. Every $ helps us upgrade
Check, M.O. to Sonny Thomas or well concealed cash to P.O. Box 27 Springboro, Ohio 45066
Wimkin: ResolutionRDO G: ResolutionRDO Tg: ResolutionRDO Gettr: ResolutionRDO T: ResolutionRDO1
The Hushmo Black Forum
The moderator initiates thought-provoking discussions and conversations for the listing audience throughout cyberspace. Members and guests of Hushmo's online public forum are diverse individuals who have passionate insights and perspectives on African-American issues that range from day to day life, The Hushmo Black Forum follows current Events and news relevant to the African-American community. politics, media, history, books, sports, entertainment, style, beauty and more.
The forum features a blog for members to post comments and interact. Writers highlight everything from movies to celebrity fashion to local human interest stories and lifestyle advice. The Hushmo Black Forum airs online on Blog Talk Radio every Saturday at 7pm.The moderator has taken an in-depth look at the prolific African-American activist W.E.B. DuBois and has also reviewed and discussed Jimmy C Cameron's newly released book "Racism and Hate: an American Reality". Visit The Hushmo Black forum and stay up to date on the latest in African-American culture when you become a member, you're embracing new friendships and a community to share stories and opinions. "like" The Hushmo Black Forum from our facebook page @ www.hushmoblack.com
2024-05-25 Michael Hill, Crystal Skull Meets with the Eclipse
Show Page: Alternative Listening:
On April 8, 2024, the last total solar eclipse to be visible from the United states for the next twenty years tracked northeast, from Texas to Maine, at almost 2000 miles an hour ... dazzling millions, live and on television, along the way ....
Among those seeking to "meet the eclipse" -- that ~100-mile-wide, racing shadow of the Moon -- was a small band of Native Americans, gathered specifically at an ancient Sacred Site in northern Ohio.
With them was a "celebrity" of sorts -- brought directly into the path of the eclipse that afternoon specifically to evoke some kind of "ancient psychic response"--
A remarkable quartz artifact called "The Crystal Skull."
Michael Hill, frequent guest on "The Other Side of Midnight," is the native American who experienced that April afternoon first hand the "hyperdimensional shadow of the Moon ... sweeping over the Crystal Skull for the first time ...."
What did he see ... what did he hear ... what did he learn?
Join us.
Richard C. Hoagland Copyright 2024
The World According to Drew
in News
Sports guy Andrew Whigham discusses issues across all spectrums.Thought-provoking news and information brought to you by Andrew Whigham, III
Join Ms. V every Sunday at 7pm when you never know what she will talk about. It's like ease dropping on a private conversation about sex and everything else that comes to her mind. She does mix it up with the listeners and guest chiming in, but you never know what Ms. V will say. Join the conversation at 646-716-8041
Also, we'll be discussing upcoming adult events in the industry and public and radio appearances we'll be making.
This is an all-new V's After Dark that you don't want to miss.
Salvese Quien Pueda
in News
Sálvese Quien Pueda es un programa de análisis político, social, económico, ambiental y pedagógico. Donde analizamos el quehacer semanal de Puerto Rico y otras naciones en el planeta, a fin de proyectar tendencias y protegernos individualmente y como nación.
- “Informandote para que otros NO te desinformen”
- “La VERDAD aunque nos duela”.
- “Información para gente inteligente”.
- “Contenido UNICO y DIFERENTE para no parecernos a nadie”.
Síguenos en nuestras páginas cibernéticas:
Facebook: SQP Salvese Quien Pueda - facebook.com/SQPPR Twitter: @salvesepr Instagram: salvesepr YouTube: SQP Salvese Quien Pueda Podcasts: OCHO plataformas a escoger - Anchor - anchor.fm/SQP - Spotify - Salvese Quien Pueda - Breaker - Salvese Quien Pueda - Google Podcast - Salvese Quien Pueda - Overcast - Salvese Quien Pueda - Pocket Casts - Salvese Quien Pueda - Radio Public - Salvese Quien Pueda
About News
News, weather, traffic, sports. If it's happening, it's being talked about on BlogTalkRadio. Nothing has the power to move us, motivate us or shake us to our core like what's happening in the world, in the nation and in our neighborhoods. We rely on news for big-picture wants and immediate needs: We plan commutes by traffic reports, our outfits by the weather and our vacations by how the stock market performs. Whether current events happen close to home or across the globe, bookmark this category for in-depth discussions about breaking news and current trends by analysts, authors and educators alike. And if you're fascinated by weather, engage with fellow enthusiasts in conversation about climate change, superstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and more. And it's fun to note that sports – often paired with news, but here a category entirely its own – have rescued many people's social lives, built solely around team schedules.