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About Food
The food revolution has changed our view of what we eat, including how we source it. Being a foodie has now become a rite of passage, especially in urban centers. The biggest change? Choice. With so many options available, going vegetarian, vegan, kosher, Paleo and gluten-free no longer puts us at a disadvantage when shopping or dining out. This isn't your grandma's kitchen, unless you want it to be: Plan old-style meals to trendy organics, whether you're craving homemade mac and cheese, brisket or locally grown sustainable broccoli rabe. Throwing a dinner party? Let Food Network stars and celebrity chefs share what works. Trying to lose weight or need ways to get kids to eat their veggies? Tune in for recipe ideas or share your own! We also talk wine, from connoisseurs in search of the perfect varietal to food pairings to those wanting the best bang for their buck.
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- Jay King Network (1 chatters)
- MindShifters Radio dr michael ryce (1 chatters)