Live in Spirituality

- Live & Upcoming Episodes (104)
6/27/24 Universal Spiritual Connection Talk Radio host Leilani Graham
in Spirituality
Part Two Unlocking and Activating your Heart Consciousness
Judy Jewett, the founder of the R.E.A.L. Healing Method. She is a podcast TV host, author,Gene Keys Guide, and a transformation agent of the universe. She is known among the Masters as a Way-Shower who has incarnated to assist in the great shift.
Successful unlocking and activating her own spiritual DNA using the Gene Keys, Human Design and R.E.A.L. Healing Methods, resulting in a profound transformation.
Her life mission is to guide and support conscious individuals in realizing their full potential by activating their spiritual DNA, Judy empathizes with those who find it challenging to let go of their past struggles and negative experiences, living in a cycle of pain, hardship, self-doubt, and negativity can lead to constant suffering, insecurity, anxiety, anger, and feelings of inadequacy, even when one is on a spiritual path.
Judy's R.E.A.L. Healing Method is successful in assisting conscious people in their journey toward higher consciousness by accessing and activating their genetic light codes at the deepest level of their souls, thurs, experiencing a deep connection with their inner power, wisdom, and purpose for a fulfilling life. Open your heart to pure love, expanding trust and freedom. The question is...Are you ready for R.E.A.L. change!
Contact Information: Website: http://www.realhealingmethod.com and http://www.auraenergyquiz.com
6/28 ~ C View 2024 The Ann Carter Psychic Medium Show: Tarot Card Readings
in Spirituality
Welcome to the Ann Carter Psychic Medium Show: Tarot Card Readings! Join us as we embark on a journey to find the clear answers you are looking for. Many of Ann clients seek direction in their careers and relationships, as well as clarity on family issues. During the show, when your guides share messages with me, I will pass them on to you.
call (805) 830-8344 Short Link: http://tobtr.com/12340396 #TAKEMYCALL - Pay what you can and jump the line of callers - www.PayPal.me/Pureco/15 It's important to know that your guides and higher self may have unexpected news to share. As a committed communicator between the spirit world and ours, Ann promises to relay any information she receives from the spirit world.
On this show, you can expect:
Mediumship: Connect with your guides, angels, and loved ones. Past Life Regression: Discover your past to begin healing and moving forward. Tarot Card Readings: Receive clear answers to your questions. Future Readings: Gain insights into what you need to know and get help with direction and decisions. Tune in and let’s uncover the messages that will guide you on your path to clarity and fulfillment.
SUMMER 2024 Psychic Development Classes with Ann:
TUE, JUN 18 AT 7?PM - Introduction to Psychic Development - FREE Class! WED, JUN 19 AT 7?PM - Tarot Card LIVE class on ZOOM SAT, JUN 22 AT 10?AM - Tarot Card Reading Workshop with Ann Carter at Ahlara International - Mooresville, NC Book outside the show: https://www.anncartermedium.com
Episode # 725 - 6/30/2024
in Spirituality
Join us for the latest channeled information about creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, & self-love. Call in to receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully create what you want. Discover & release blocks & move back into the vibration that allows you to expand & manifest. Powerful, fun, & informative, this show is what you have been looking for!
Listen to Dee on the following radio networks:
BBS Radio - http://bbsradio.com/consciouscreation iTunes/Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conscious-creation-radio-show/id574823210 Google Podcast - https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL3Nob3cvMzYzMDY5OC9lcGlzb2Rlcy9mZWVk Transformation.fm on Transformation Talk Radio - https://www.transformationtalkradio.com/host/dee-wallace,105.html Himalaya - https://www.himalaya.com/Spirituality-podcasts/conscious-creation-radio-show-885312 -
Soul Medicine: Healing through Dream Incubation, Visions, Oracles, and Pilgrimag
in Spirituality
An in-depth look at ancient Greek practices for profound, lasting healing The modern practice of medicine and psychology grew out of the ancient Greek healing tradition, said to be founded by Asklepios, god of healing and dreams. For two thousand years the system spread all over the Mediterranean world and planted the roots of Western medicine and psychology by offering ritual and holistic practices that recognized that healing begins at the soul level. Yet, since that time, the spiritually based practices were cast aside, leaving behind only the scientific medical techniques that dominate health care today. Resurrecting and restoring the sacred, mythological, and cultural origins of medicine and psychotherapy, Edward Tick, Ph.D., explores the soul-healing practices missing in our contemporary health systems. He looks at the dream incubation tradition of Asklepios, sacred theater of Dionysos, oracle gifting of Apollo, special practices of warriors, and their roots in Neolithic shamanism and indigenous traditions. Demonstrating the ritual use of dreams, visions, oracles, synchronicities, and pilgrimage for healing and connecting to the transpersonal and divine, he explains how dream incubation is a technique in which you plant a seed for a specific healing or growth goal.
Tick explores how we all can use ancient healing philosophies and practices to achieve holistic healing today. He examines the interaction between mind and body (psyche and soma) and between physical illness and the soul to heal PTSD and trauma. He explains the art of making accurate and holistic interpretations of signs, symbols, and symptoms to determine what they reveal about the soul. Showing how dreams and other transpersonal experiences are essential components of soul medicine, the author reveals how restoration of the soul facilitates true healing.
Near-Death Experiences: Afterlife Journeys and Revelations, with Jim Willis
in Spirituality
Please join us and our guest, Jim Willis, for a show on Near-Death Experiences: Afterlife Journeys and Revelations, and enjoy a thought-provoking journey into an enigmatic phenomenon. Thousands, perhaps millions, of people have had near-death experiences (NDEs). What are they—a simple trick of the mind and body or something more? What are we to make of them, and do they tell us anything about religion or science or the possibility of an afterlife? Covering historical, scientific, religious, and cultural aspects of these unusual episodes, Near-Death Experiences (Visible Ink Press) looks at different interpretations of NDEs: The Scientific—What neuroscience, medicine, and biology have to say about what happens at the brink of death; The Religious—What NDE-like experiences found in the Bible, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Talmud, the Quran, and other religious tracts tell us; Historic and Personal—What folklore and personal stories reveal about this alternate consciousness that occurs during a life-threatening situation; and The Metaphysical—Possible answers involving quantum reality, parallel universes, and the subconscious.
Jim Willis earned his master’s degree in theology from Andover Newton Theological School, and he has been an ordained minister for over 40 years. He has also taught college courses in comparative religion and cross-cultural studies. His background in theology and education led to his writing more than 20 books on history, religion, the apocalypse, cross-cultural spirituality, and the mysteries of the unknown. His books include Censoring God; Ancient Gods, Hidden History; and American Cults. He lives in the woods of South Carolina. Visit JimWillis.net.
The Secret Life of Mother Mary with Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso
in Spirituality
Esoteric scholar, award-winning author, and global authority on virgin birth, Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D. presents a bold new vision of Mother Mary as a holy priestess and spiritual master Many women have trouble with the image of the Virgin Mary, a young woman whose most esteemed quality has been celibacy. Yet, as Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D., reveals in inspiring depth, Mary was not just a docile maiden chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus. She was a great spiritual master in her own right: a sought-after healer and holy priestess who continued her public work long after Jesus’s resurrection. Examining apocryphal texts as well as revelations from respected contemporary seers, Rigoglioso presents an extraordinary new understanding of Mother Mary and shows how her wisdom can help those on the spiritual path. The author explores largely ignored periods of Mary’s life, including her time as leader of the early Christian community and the supreme teacher to other spiritual teachers, among them Jesus and his beloved companion, Mary Magdalene. She looks at Mother Mary’s teachings of love, compassion, and inner power and reveals how it was her achievement of remarkable yogic powers and womb abilities that enabled her to conceive Jesus in a highly advanced way and resurrect his body. She also examines Mary’s assumption into heaven and explains how her powers as a great spiritual master enabled her to transform into a goddess at the end of her time on earth. Revealing the secret life of Mother Mary as a deeply revered community leader, miracle-worker, and advanced spiritual practitioner, Rigoglioso shows how nurturing a relationship with the world’s most famous holy woman can provide healing, empowerment, and the development of your own womb powers.
Channeled Messages of Hope, with John Thomas
in Spirituality
Please join us and our guest, John Thomas, for a show on Channeled Messages of Hope: Conversations with History’s Most Prominent Souls on the Other Side. Book One: Global Warming and Climate Change is a compilation of channeled conversations with 19 prominent souls who, from their unique vantage point on the other side, discuss global warming and climate change, and impart messages of a hopeful nature. John is co-interviewer along with his wife and the book’s author, Carolyn Thomas. Channelings are carried out by Sam Larkin, and include political leaders, scientists, marine biologists, oceanographers, climate change researchers, physicists, inventors, conservationists, spiritual leaders, a self-help author, and even a saint. These include John Muir, Jacques Cousteau, Theodore Roosevelt, Wayne Dyer, Mohandas Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, John McCain, Saint Francis of Assisi, and more. These souls provide insights into what the future holds; upcoming technological innovations; why this crisis is happening from a higher perspective; and, of course, messages of a hopeful nature about the future of the planet.
John Thomas is a classic Silicon Valley “tech guy.” After receiving his chemical engineering degree, John worked for many years in various technical fields including software, semiconductors, and advanced battery technologies. Along the way, he was able to see the environmental impact of these technologies, and he developed a deep appreciation for those companies that were serious about creating sustainable practices and protecting the environment. In Channeled Messages of Hope, John led the more technical interviews and participated with Carolyn in most others. He is currently CEO of a start-up developing highly sustainable technologies in the food and agriculture industries. Learn more at https://ChanneledMessagesofHope.com.
Strange Fate: An Extraordinary True Story of Paranormal Discovery
in Spirituality
Investigating a mysterious, nineteenth-century secret society called the Order of Meonia, researchers Graham Phillips and Jodi Russell are drawn into a remarkable true story of the unexplained. On visiting an ancient burial site on remote moorlands in central England, an inexplicable storm rages directly around them while the surrounding countryside remains peaceful and calm. Before long, their lives are dramatically changed.
Astonishingly,they find themselves in a reality that seems impossibly transformed. Dates have moved, history has altered, and things are no longer the same. Are they in an alternate existence, a parallel world, or a fantastic patchwork universe where different worlds collide?
Hoping to understand their unbelievable dilemma, the authors search for an ancient artifact called the Heart of the Rose. Hidden for over a hundred years, it may have the power to influence fate. Led by weird visions, enigmatic guides, and a series of bizarre coincidences, they must solve the mystery of strange temples on the estate of a Victorian mansion, follow a trail of cryptic clues left in old paintings, and uncover the incredible history of the Meonia group, to find the relic before time runs out.
Although it defies belief, this extraordinary account is based entirely on actual events.
7/16/24 Universal Spiritual Connection Talk Radio host Leilani Graham
in Spirituality
Rev. Anne Taylor is all things Spiritual: an Intuitive, Psychic Medium, Healer, Teacher, and Personal Coach. She has profound gifts and years of experience in the Metaphysical Arts, with an extensive professional background. Anne is imbued with "inner knowing", understanding who she is and what she does through her deep connection with Spirit.
Anne concentrated her early studies in Anthropology, and obtained multiple graduate degrees in both Psychology and in Metaphysics. In her previous professional career, (both in business and as a Licensed Therapist), the realm of Spirit called her forward to make major changes and to explore other healing modalities along the path of personal growth, sharing her knowledge with others, it was then that Rev. Taylor plunged into an in-depth study of consciousness in which she practiced TM (Transcendental Meditation). became a Certified Hypnotherapist, a Reiki Master, and an Ordained Minister in the Church of Inner Light.
Anne works with people all across the globe, ranging from celebrities to media executives, corporate leaders, artists, entrepreneurs and anyone interested in spiritual growth. She channels new spiritual knowledge, personal and specific to each client, intuitively interprets it in a useful and straightforward manner through her transformational guidance and coaching. Contact Email: amt9900@icloud.com
DISCLAIMER: Readings are for entertainment and information purposes only. Please use your own judgment and intuition in making decisions and life choices.
Shadow Work for the Soul: Seeing Beauty in the Dark, with Mary Mueller Shutan
in Spirituality
Please join us and our guest, Mary Mueller Shutan, for a show on Shadow Work for the Soul: Seeing Beauty in the Dark, and learn how to find compassion for your dark side and reclaim your authentic self. Throughout our lives, we repress and deny the parts of our authentic selves that our families, peers, and the world told us were wrong, unlovable, or “too much,” and from this repression our shadow is born. By the time we reach adulthood, much of our authentic self is shadow. The connection we once had to who we truly are has been severed, and we no longer feel vibrant and enthusiastic about life. In this practical and trauma-informed guide to deep shadow work, Mary explains how to find compassion for your dark side, reconnect with the repressed and abandoned parts of yourself, and reclaim the resiliency and joy of your authentic, whole self.
She reflects on the positive, protective role of the shadow and describes how it is composed not only of the trauma and darkness we have experienced, but also the light we have yet to absorb. As you discover and understand more of your personal dark places, Mary introduces the concept of collective shadows that are created by society yet affect us individually, including online shadows and relationship shadows. Offering a self-directed process for healing trauma and reclaiming the eclipsed light of your shadow, Mary shows how shadow work allows you to move beyond the restrictions you’ve placed on yourself and others and see the beauty inherent in the dark places of the self.
Mary Mueller Shutan is a spiritual healer and teacher with an extensive background in Chinese medicine, energy work, and somatic bodywork. Author of The Spiritual Awakening Guide, Managing Psychic Abilities, The Body Deva, and Working with Kundalini, Mary lives near Chicago, Illinois. Learn more at https://MaryShutan.com.
7/19 C View 2024 Quantum Leap: From Physical to Multi-Dimensional Jane Smolnik B
in Spirituality
?? Join us for an enlightening journey as we delve into the mysteries of the cosmos on "The Shift of the Ages."
Tune in live by calling (805) 830-8344 or catch the replay at the Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/12330165. Our upcoming episode titled "Quantum Leap: From Physical to Multi-Dimensional" invites you to explore the profound transformation from the limitations of the physical realm to the boundless expanses of multi-dimensional existence.
Discover how our perception of reality is shifting, opening new gateways to higher consciousness and expanded awareness. Listen in as we unravel the secrets of quantum physics, consciousness exploration, and the power of intention to transcend the boundaries of space and time.
Dr. Jane Smolnik Boyd's remarkable journey spans over 36 years in the field of holistic health and metaphysical exploration. As a licensed Avatar Master and Wizard, Master Herbalist, Kinesiologist, and creator of the Biofield Clearing technique, Dr. Jane has dedicated her life to helping individuals unlock their true potential and achieve holistic well-being.
Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation!
Contact Jane directly: UltimateHealing.com | ph: 828-777-JANE (5263) | BiofieldClearing.com
Sacred Psychiatry: Bridging the Personal and Transpersonal to Transform
in Spirituality
Discover holistic approaches to psychiatric healing.
Your previous experience with conventional psychiatry likely consisted of suppressing symptoms with pharmaceuticals without considering you as a whole person. It’s probable that there was little exploration of the power of the sacred to promote healing, which is especially crucial in our current climate of widespread fear and disconnection.
In Sacred Psychiatry, you will be introduced to a diverse range of holistic approaches to healing. This book offers invaluable guidance on how to develop a personal spiritual practice and highlights the profound significance of fulfilling the soul’s purpose. It illustrates the usefulness of astrology, emphasizes how toxic relationships undermine healing, and showcases the remarkable healing power of food as medicine. Sacred Psychiatry also provides a holistic framework for weaning off of psychiatric pharmaceuticals and highlights treatable but frequently overlooked complex chronic conditions such as mold toxicity, mast cell activation syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
Judy Suzanne Reis Tsafrir, MD, is a holistic healer with a private psychiatry and psychoanalysis practice in Newton, Massachusetts. She is a board-certified adult and child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, is on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and the Boston Psychoanalytic Institute, and teaches and supervises at the Cambridge Health Alliance.
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