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Women Are Asking: Why Can't I Find A Good Man?
Reggie And Shantel will be addressing the question and topic by many WOMEN. Why They Can't Find A Good Man. These women have degrees. They have money. They have independence, etc. Some women have just the bare minimum or even less. No mater the status of these women, they all have the same question. WHY CAN'T I FIND A GOOD MAN?
#WinningTeam #Wednesday #NEONation live @ 7pm EST /4pm PST call-in 3478571311
in Motivation
Join us #LIVE on #RadioShow @ 7pmEST/4pm PST #EWWNRadio #WinningTeam #365DaysOfRadio Every #Wednesday we will talk about your #Business, #Product, and/or #Service. And we be featuring the #Hottest Indie #Music in our #PricelessFeedback session Call in and via telephone 347-857-1311 press 1 Donations send via #CashApp Donate via Cash App #Pastor @DonJrCEO #EWWNRadio #WinningTeam #365DaysOfRadio
The Legendary MercCity Hip-Hop Program
2022 IIRHOF Broadcasting Lifetime Achiever, 2021 IIRHOF Broadcasting Enshrinee & IIRHOF Disc Jockey Enshrinee #TheLegacyContinues #bevnatstrong Join us for our 3725th presentation of Ngozi Time Multimedia LLC w/ our topic: Black Women, Whoredom & The Harlot Generation In America by Dr. O. M. Ngozi aka Hunny Bee D.J OladSki w/ Beverly Nation Online Radio @ O.N.E Universe
Debbie Payne: Empower Women, Inspire Positivity, and Encourage Women Leaders
in Self Help
Debbie Payne is an Inspirational Motivational Speaker, Realtor, Emotional Intelligence Executive Coach and Author of “No Thanks I’m Full”. While building her multimillion-dollar business as a Re/max realtor, Debbie learned the value of connection and compassion in dealing with clients. Born into generational trauma and dysfunction, she chose to embrace these challenges and adversities, embracing the gifts of resilience and perspectives that they gave her.
After becoming a single parent at 36, Debbie recognized the strength and determination that lies within all of us once we understand the why and purpose in our lives. She believes and advances that how we communicate and our emotions affect the quality of our relationships.
She helps others develop their EQ Emotional Intelligence Skills for more fulfilling connections in sales and in life.
Attorney Nicole Cotton Legal Counsel for Cotton Law firm Fayetteville NC #90
in Motivation
The McGirt Show Global Media with Host Mr BobbyMcGirt is Indeed Honored To Have The Lincoln Motor Corp LLC Public Relations Division,& Sales Force Corporation of LA as members of Corporate media followers of The McGirt Show Global Media ,Empowerment! Enrichment! Enlightenment! For All People Worldwide! : email: themcgirtshow@outlook.com BlogtalkRadio/ The McGirt Instagram/TheMcGirt Show YouTube /The McGirt Clubhouse /The McGirt Show *** New Studio /Listeners Studio call line number Mr Jared McKay PHP Financial advisor of GA#96 05/18/2024@4:30pm Est 05/11/2024@Mothers Day Celebration Attorney Nicole Cotton Legal Counsel for Cotton Law firm Fayetteville NC (619)-924-0898 ph 515 -605-9830 Global Listenership of The McGirt Show
Spring Cleaning the Erotic Body
in Self Help
The optimal climate for our bodies to be in resting state is between 68 degrees and 77 degrees. For many of us, it has been a long winter. Our bodies go into hibernation. They are stressed by the elements and temperature drops. They pack on weight. Become sluggish.
This is not where the erotic lives and plays.
Then, Spring blooms. The temperature comes back to a place of resting state. Our bodies begin to stir as the environment around us comes alive again. We begin to break through the fog of hibernation and hope is renewed. As our bodies come on line again, the concept of spring cleaning is not new to us. We begin to take on projects, open the windows and air out our homes, clean the windows and remove the dust bunnies gathered in the corners all winter long.
It can be a time to spring clean the erotic as well.
Christie is a psychotherapist in private practice in Madison, Wisconsin. She is a mama, a wife, a writer, and an artist. Visit www.hotpinkyou.com for more information. Email at hotpinkyou@gmail.com. For more information on coaching with Christie opportunities, CLICK HERE
She is also a writer, co-authoring Ignite Your Life and a speaker. You can find her Wisdom Cards on sale now. Co-Founder and CEO of Hot Pink YOUniversity
Season Premiere: You Can't Miss What Is For You.
in Motivation
In this transformative episode of " You Can't Miss What Is Meant for You," we embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Join us as we explore the profound concept of destiny and the role it plays in shaping our lives. From recognizing the signs of alignment to overcoming fear and doubt, we delve deep into the transformative power of trust, surrender, and embracing change. Get ready to unlock some gems for living a life filled with purpose, passion, and endless possibilities. Don't miss out on this inspiring conversation that will leave you feeling empowered to embrace your destiny and live your best life.
January Jones Sharing Memories of Undertaker's Daughter Margo Lenmark
in Self Help
With so many people mourning COVID-19 victims, many wonder if we go to an after life after we take our last breath. While growing up in a Midwestern funeral home where her dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark learned the truth. "People send messages in death that are very clear," she says. "Death isn't the end. I have gotten messages from dead people that have helped me. She shares her fascinating experiences and insights in her book "Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of an Undertaker's Daughter."
in Motivation
CONVERSATIONS OVER COFFEE IT'S MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH. Are you OK? The need to be validated can affect your mental health. The need to be validated affects our mental health and has been a need since we were young and transforms into our adulthood. Grab your mug and join me and my special guest, Veronica Williams -Listening to what our brains tell us when working, caring for others, or being distracted can be challenging. USA Today says we're so used to multi-tasking that we don't really give ourselves space to sit down and reflect. So imagine what happens when you encounter others. Every person you encounter will always want to know that they are validated. Did you hear them? Can you see them? Ultimately, we all want to know, "AM I OK"? Did you know that how you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you? Do you subscribe to making people feel wanted, loved, and needed, or do you subscribe to the fact that you can't change how a person feels, as we often say? Some people make you feel better about living. Some people you meet make you think little things, and some people lift in your heart this "Ah" because there's something beautiful, and there's the magic: instead of feeling worse, instead of feeling "why am I so ordinary?", you think just the opposite, you feel glad.Weirdly, you feel better because before this, you hadn't realized or you'd forgotten human beings could shine, so - Niall Williams This should be our daily goal. It is essential to recognize that everyone wants to feel better. We're messed up because we should focus on what we can offer, not competing, but service. After all, as I always say, WE ARE MORE ALIKE THAN WE ARE DIFFERENT..We don't talk about it, but validation drives nearly everything we do.LET'S TALK ABOUT IT .SATURDAYI 8 AM LET'S TALK ABOUT IT. DIAL IN 319-527-6754
Trenton Makes w/ Ricardo Richard
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WBNN Communications 9:30 pm EDT www.blogtalkradio.com / 2023 Most Improved Broadcaster #TheLegacyContinues #TheDynasty Join us for our 3741st presentation of Ngozi Time Multimedia LLC w/ our topic: Giving God Your Yes w/ special guest Liz Raphael by Ricardo Richard w/ BeverlyNation OnlineRadio @ O.N.E Universe & our soundtrack of our lives ft. Iconic Grammy Award Winning Gospel Vocalist Deitrick Haddon
I AM Hope Michele Kauffman introduces Stacey Monahan Tucker - Disability Justice
in Self Help
Stacy Monahan Tcker is the founding partner of Monahan Tucker Law, specializing in representing people against insurance companies when their disability insurance, life insurance or long term care insurance claims are denied. She has almost 25 years of experience in litigating disability insurance issues, and has handled many disability appeals and insurance litigations involving brain injuries. She is admitted to practice and handles cases in California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona and is delighted to answer questions about how disability insurance works.
Camnon Business Podcast
in Motivation
Camnon Business Services Presents :
The Camnon Business Podcast. We'll be discussing Tips on Marketing, Finding New Clients, Business Finances, Strategic Planning and .
With guests who are in key positions to help new entrepreneurs and small businesses grow and reach their goals of success.
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About Self Help
No matter the physical shape we're in, from time to time we may find we have inner work to do, in order to help us experience a more fulfilling life. Whether it's goal-setting, developing coping skills, connecting with a power greater than ourselves or trying to kick old habits, BlogTalkRadio's community of listeners, hosts and guests can help you on your journey to personal transformation. Get inspired with daily, weekly and monthly shows that let you thrive as an active participant, or enjoy the anonymity of being a silent observer in a comforting space with solutions-seeking individuals. Popular topics include time management, soul therapy, adults and children with special needs, 12-step programs, codependence, chakras, empowerment, anxiety and ADHD disorders, music therapy, pet therapy, overcoming obstacles, vision boards, hypnosis, healing and recovery, conquering depression, and personal development through community outreach. Browse these and more to help you achieve your personal best.