Popular in Spirituality

#678 Researcher and Mind-Body Healing Expert Brandy Gillmore
in Spirituality
Please join Dave the Mystic on Monday, May 6, 2024 at 8pm MDT with guest Brandy Gillmore. Brandy Gillmore is a researcher and mind-body healing expert who has been captivating audiences worldwide with her incredible ability to demonstrate radical healing using only the mind. She has even shown visual proof of the power of the mind using medical thermal imaging. Due to these breakthrough results, her case studies have been published in a prestigious medical journal. She has also delivered a mind-expanding TEDx talk and has been featured in several documentaries.
Brandy's groundbreaking discoveries stemmed from her own debilitating injury. After an accident in 2003 left her disabled, in excruciating pain, and without hope of recovery, Brandy began searching for a cure. Through years of exploring every avenue for healing, Brandy eventually discovered obscure research that changed the course of her life and resulted in a complete recovery.
Now, she is releasing her brand-new cutting-edge book, Master Your Mind and Energy to Heal Your Body, where she shares the hidden research that is the key to her success!
Her website is www.BrandyGillmore.com
Thanks for listening!
Dave the Mystic
Conversations with Clairvoyant Dorothea/Insight without Change is Meaningless
in Spirituality
Clairvoyant Dorothea has been featured locally on radio here in Atlanta, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, and Ohio. She has appeared on a host of television shows. Insight is the name of the game. This show is to provide insight on the emotional rollercoaster of events happening in your life, it's your platform to receive answers to questions you've been pondering or needing clarity to. Life is full of twist and turns and it is difficult at times navigate smoothly in the direction you want to go. You ask and wonder why life isn't giving you what you ask. Sometimes it's not the question that delays the outcome we want, it could be the emotion behind the question and the pent up frustration that is keeping the question from manifesting. This is a show that will allow you to see you’re not alone in your dilemma because other people have similar difficulties, so through participating or listening you can get clarity. There are no stupid or risqué questions ask anything that concerns you, this is an all-inclusive show and everyone is welcomed. This show is for the people so whatever your life style is or sexual orientation and or religious and spiritual beliefs are you are welcomed. The purpose of this show is to pull you out of your complacency and get you to where you want to be. You may ask what Clairvoyance is and it is the ability to perceive matters beyond the range ordinary perception, beyond the 5 senses. Now with meditation daily twice a day you can begin to come in alignment with your purpose and start having a stress free life.
The Neil and Kristin Baker Psychic Hour
in Spirituality
Please donate to our show: www.paypal.com/kristin73
To connect with the hosts or for readings, please call the listener line, 914.338.0164.For inquiries regarding personal readings, please call 562.596.7818.World-renowned psychic Neil Baker and his psychic protege and wife, Kristin Baker, are featured on this hour long show which deals with the vast, expansive world of psychic phenomenon.This show delves into the extraordinary mysteries that reside beyond the physical realm of common experience. Neil and Kristin are your guides and teachers as they establish a stage that is both personal and universal, while callers have the opportunity to connect with Neil and Kristin for on-air readings.ABOUT THE HOSTS: Neil Baker has been a psychic for over 45 years,having discovered his gifts at the age of 4 years old. Kristin Baker encountered Neil on a radio show in 2011 and began working with him in order to further develop her psychic abilities..As Kristin’s third eye started to open, she began to awaken to the deep and mystical bond between herself and Neil.Neil then revealed to Kristin written material composed over a period beginning 41 years prior to their meeting that contained Kristin’s name, the sacred numerological codes shared between Kristin and Neil, references to their past life journeys, as well as uncanny events that later unfolded and continue to be revealed in their lives as a couple.Thereby, Neil’s and Kristin’s bond was established on both a personal and professional level. Neil has conducted nearly 100,000 personal readings, and Neil and Kristin together have conducted over 10,000 personal readings. They are currently writing their first book together, a groundbreaking work on the deep cosmic codes of birthdates, the more hidden codes of past lives, and the phenomenon of twin souls. In their continued service to the public, they expect to share profound insights into to the astral realm and beyond.
On Sunday, 8 Planets Align In Aries and Taurus! Get Fired Up But Stay Grounded!!
in Spirituality
On Sunday, 8 planets line up in both Aries and Taurus! This concentration of energy can accomplish great things! Be inspired, exercise wisdom and do your personal best at this time! Take the high road but be alert for the stop signs and sudden changes on your route! Thank me later!
This NEW MOON approaches and occurs on May 7, 2024, at 11:21:41 PM EDST and features the Lights kissing in Taurus as they form a stellium with Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter in that sign! WOW! The Lights form a double sweet sextile to Saturn in Pisces encouraging us to manifest wheat we imagine and to keep the faith!
We have so much fun on this show!
Need more time? Need us sooner? Give us a call!
Jacqueline 772.286.2720
Aphrodette 540.400.0110, 540.613.1070
Star Wars, AI and Intuition
in Spirituality
May the 4th has a popular tradition of being "Star Wars Day" ("May the 4th be with you!"). The original "Star Wars" movies had a significant impact on The Frontier Beyond Fear host Susan Larison Danz's teens, and she stood in line at the legendary Cooper Theater multiple times in 1977 and beyond for the series (a favorite theater of hers already before that time).
What does "Star Wars" have to say about the use of advanced technology, AI and intuition? What surprising, Oxford-verified quote by AI icon Alan Turing aligns with the way telepathy was first introduced in the original 3 films? What does "Star Wars" have to say about forgetting and deriding Spirituality in favor of materialistic fundamentalism? And why does Spirituality win?
With degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics (and early experience in AI language model development), writer, researcher, mystic and philosopher Susan Larison Danz, M.S., combines logic with spirituality in all of her endeavors, sharing a free-flowing authentic, intuitive and liberating perspective with listeners.
Support Susan's inspirational outreach through exploring Gaia special promotions, giving you access to a vast array of consciousness-expanding videos. You can learn more about a Gaia free trial invitation here: https://bit.ly/sd_gaia-free-trial and https://bit.ly/sd_gaia (links fully administered by Gaia, subject to their policies and procedures).
Intro music excerpted from and closing music full piece from Kevin MacLeod's Living Voyage, freely available under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
Psychic Readings Friyay!
in Spirituality
Ascend with Michael, Adrienne, and Lawrence as they tap into the astral planes, consulting Divine Guides to bring forth illuminating answers and clarity to your life's situations.
To schedule a private reading with Lawrence, Adrienne, or Michael, feel free to reach out directly using the contact information provided below.
Michael Espinoza
Certified Pranic Healer, Clairvoyant, Medium
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjespinoza/
Adrienne Stratton
(714) 376-7289
Lawrence Birch
Shamanic Practitioner, Herbalist
Facebook: GivingTreeFarmHerb
All insights shared by our hosts and guests are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. For personalized guidance, we recommend consulting a professional.
Build Self Respect
in Spirituality
Here are some simple ways you can build self respect. Learn more about the 1-Year Intuitive Coaching Package here: IntuitiveCoachingwithAmy.com
Enter the Light
in Spirituality
You're invited to join the ETL team for an astral journey/celebration on the night of Sunday May 5th (Cinco de Mayo). During today's show we will guide you on how to set your intention and come along with us-no passports required.
To join the conversation & receive a free mini reading from the ETL team call or skype 646.564.9868 3pm EST, 2pm CST, 1pm MST & 12pm PST.
Toni Jorgensen is a psychic intuitive whose abilities are gifts from the universe. The love of her life is grandson Cooper.
Jessica Marie Tatro is licensed empathic healer with clairsentient/claircognative abilities working with Special needs, mental health communities & her son and spirit guide from Heaven, Jaden.
Linda Irwin is a paranormal/metaphysical specialist & also a performer, musician and video creator
Lynn Bleasdale is an intuitive empath who works as a medium using images, writing, sound & light.
Enter the Light
Sacred Embers website
Psychic Radio Readings W/ James J. Ellis -Ascension Blessings!
in Spirituality
Ascension Specialist Clairvoyant James Ellis is an ordained Minister specializing in Holistic Living, and is a Spiritual Intuitive Counselor, which he has been for over a decade, providing assistance in Soul Purpose Activations for individuals that are seeking soul growth.
His integrative practice offers comprehensive healing expansion from the 144th dimension of reality for Soul Ascension, The God Source Connection, Ascension Empowerments, and Intuitive Guidance that is tailored to meet the needs of each individual
For appointments with James Ellis @ Psychic Radio Readings.com or call 1-479-339-9483
Disclosure policy:
It is very important that you do not live your life from a reading or channeling .
A reading or channeling is to assist you to determine choices, that you feel are in your best and highest interest.
I have the right to provide a service to a client or not.
I am not a doctor and you should never cease medical treatment except if you are medically released.
I do not diagnose illness. I do not claim to cure illness.
All psychic work offered falls under this disclosure policy and is for entertainment purposes only.
If you do not understand and need clarification on any of the disclosure policy, you may submit your requests in writing.
Be Love Always,
Shelby Delgado: Speaker and Author of Single & Fulfilled
in Spirituality
Shelby Delgado is a California native with a heart firmly rooted in faith and family. Having spent a transformational portion of her adult life in Arizona, she discovered her calling: helping people grow in their relationship with Jesus and empowering women to thrive in their God-given calling. Her debut book on singleness draws from her own experiences and deep faith, offering guidance and inspiration for those navigating life as singles.
"Single and Fulfilled: A practical guide to finding joy and contentment in the present" is a comprehensive guide that addresses the common concerns and challenges faced by single women. It provides insightful answers to questions such as how to handle disappointment, navigate the dating scene, and cope with feelings of being left behind. The book identifies three prevalent limiting beliefs among single women and offers practical strategies to overcome them. It also includes thought-provoking reflection questions that can be explored individually or in a group setting. Whether you're journeying through singlehood alone or within a community, this guide offers valuable advice on finding and building supportive networks. Embark on this empowering journey towards self-discovery and fulfillment with us.
Shelby's contact info:shelbydelgadobooks@gmail.com https://facebook.com/groups/6665778366820812/?mibextid=oMANbw http://instagram.com/shelbydelgadobooks/
COFRP Challenges of Faith Radio Program ranked 4th (1-2/3-8 2024 ) among the Top 100 Best Christian Podcasts You Must Follow in 2024
Bonnie Albers On Air ????With Kelly Coulter
in Spirituality
Hello I hope I'm back ????I'm miss you all please join me for an early morning show ????
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About Spirituality
If spirituality can be considered a movement, it's one of the fastest-growing in the world, and one of our most talked-about topics. Perhaps it's because it has the power to be a conduit for self-definition, born of an inner longing to cultivate a purposeful life and a deeper connection to the universe. Choose from hundreds of shows featuring interviews with world-renowned professors, holistic health professionals and authors, like famed New Ager Deepak Chopra, and spiritual teachers and psychics like Sylvia Browne. Chat with kindred spirits journeying along on how they pursue higher levels of consciousness, through light, energy, chakras, angels, reincarnation, prophecies, alternative medicine, pilgrimages and more. And unlike some religions, spirituality allows for interpretation: your third-eye awakening could manifest in the calm that comes from spending time with your dog, practicing yoga, preparing a sustainable meal. Yes, BlogTalkRadio provides plenty of shows to nourish your mind, body and spirit.