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Oh My Soul!
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Join Coach D weely, as she bring Practical Principles unto Perception based on the Word of God.
If you are interested in being a guest on Processing the Pain or looking for broadcasting opportunities, please feel free to contact our team at MCDNetworkinc@gmail.com.
In His Service
MCD Network Team
The ABC Podcast on Blog Talk Radio EP 68 The Gen X Superspecial
Over the last couple of weeks on TikTok, Gen X has been slowly coming together. In today's show, I will discuss how this massive assembly can be best use to our advantage, and hiw to get The government to cave to our demands. This entire show will be an open forum for Gen X. If you call in, don't be afraid to say what's in your mind. This isn't TikTok. Be free to express yourself any way you see fit.
Unconditional Love
in Motivation
Tina Turna once sung, "What's Love Got To Do With It?" Love appears to the strongest misunderstood word that is said by individuals. It has power, purpose and can lead to pain and heartache. What does love mean to you? Individuals have their own interpretation of love. Is it a feeling or action? Individuals say they are looking for love yet may not be ready to give love back. While others may struggle with being loved by another or struggle with loving themself.
Join myself and other as we talk about unconditional love. Is it possible to love unconditionally? Many have been said that they loved unconditionally yet felt unloved or disrespected by another. Loving properly can be a skill. Such can important within a relationship.
Let's talk about it. I want to hear your thoughts. To join in on the conversations call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.
What´s Your NEW Story?
in Motivation
BUZZARDSKORNER OF LOVE RADIO 5/21/24 3:30pmPAC/6:30pmEST right here @http://www.blogtalkradio.com/buzzardskorner-of-love or call in and share at (714)510-3707
Join Us as we share our NEW STORY with you. Let us Inspire, and Encouraage YOU to recreate anew as well! Spring has Sprung and we all deserve to experience NEWNESS in our life! The KEY is Angel to create YOU a NEW Story, so let us share with you ours!
You will receive 4 great tools that you can use to create that NEW Story for yourself, as well as Upliftment, Powerful Prayer and so much more!
bringing people back to themselves
in Self Help
Host: JoAnna Garfi McNally-Spiritual Intuitive, Remote Energy Healer. Tutorial classes, Workshops, lecturer, Nationally/Internationally renowned, serving all communication media. Spanning over forty plus decades. Featured in Mary Ann Bohrer book; "The Gift" Within Us, Intuition, Spirituality and the Power of Our Own Inner Voice, Writes Articles for various publications Facebook: Jo Anna Garfi McNally, Call:631-836-7666,
Co-Host: Kimba, Angel Readings-is a gifted Philadelphia based Medium who is routinely sought out for her ability to compassionately and lovingly connect people with their loved ones who have passed. Kimba’s talent was evident at an early age when her Mother died at the age of six, Kimba’s expertise specializes in Mediumship; Psychic abilities; Angel Readings with messages from beyond this earthly plane; Reading pets, both on this earthly plane and those that have become Angels; Reiki Healing and Tarot readings. Contact: Kimba Angel Readings, angelreadingsbykimba
Adam Bernstein is a Professional Psychic, Medium, Teacher and Spiritual Life Coach with an international following. A professional psychic 20+ years. He is Known for accuracy, detail. Adam teaches workshops on Psychic Development & Mediumship at Lily Dale as well as various places along the East coast. He leads seminars/development circles in the arts of Spirit Communication and the Universal Laws of Success and Attraction and Power Attunements life coaching methods. Adam is featured in the book Psychic New York which profiles 60 of New York’s best and most famous psychics. He has appeared in articles in newspapers, magazines, and has been highlighted in several television shows. Find him on Facebook, You Tube "The Medium Channel" and www.adambetweentheworlds.com -
The Lisa Experience Podcast
in Motivation
The Lisa Experience Podcast
(563) 999 3718
(563) 999 3718
Close Up Radio to Feature Author and Life Coach Juliette Watt
in Self Help
Pagosa Springs, CO - If anyone were in an advantageous position to help people get un-stuck, take a step, recover from trauma and explore a new path, it would be Juliette Watt. She has reinvented herself many times, working as a cabaret singer, a scriptwriter for soap operas, a stunt rider, a casino dealer and a pilot for rescue animals. She was born in London and later lived in Turkey. These days she is a premier coach who helps people explore, heal, overcome stress or anxiety and move forward with greater happiness.
Juliette notes that she herself suffered from the fallout of what is known as compassion fatigue—when you give too much of yourself to care for someone else, neglect yourself, and end up in a bad state.
Juliette put much of her early life and struggles into a memoir called In Between the Magic: My Life from The Playboy Club to Beirut and Beyond.. The book is an in-depth look at her efforts to find a home, have enough food, and keep going. It is also a guidebook for anyone who is stuck parenting a parent and striving for their self-preservation. It will trigger a range of emotions in readers, and is available as both a print, eBook and audio book.
In addition to being a gifted singer and writer, Juliette is a speaker, a coach and someone who helps others in every way, including discovering their next act once they reach a certain age. One of the first steps in coaching is letting people know how frightening change can be, but that it is so worth it to take that risk! Together, they plan a strategy for what your life should truly be.
Juliette is on a mission, She wants to make a massive impact and help people create the life of their dreams through one-to-one coaching, speaking and workshops.For more information on Juliette, visit her website www.juliettewatt.com
INNERSIGHT FREEDOM Any additional money should be used to keep people in their own homes
in Self Help
Any additional money should be used
to keep people in their own homes
Suzanne suzlady Frank Perino
“Breaking Chains” The Men Of Valor Podcast:REALLY BRUH?
in Motivation
The Love,Peace and Blessings Of God Everyone, Join Us Every Thursday 7pm CST, Because it's Men Night "Breaking Chains" The Men Of Valor Podcast. Get Involved In the Conversation About The Issues That Are Effecting Our Men, Families, Tearing Up Our Communities, and Destroying The Fiber Of Our Society. Can We Talk About It? Let Your Voice Be Heard as we Break The Chains Of Silence, Speaking Up and Speaking Out!!! The Men Come Together, STATING WHAT MATTERS SAYING ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!
www.blogtalkradio.com/breakingchains Call In: 858-357-9137 Email: webreakingchains@gmail.com
Mail=Young Adults Talk Foundation
PO Box 70033, Mobile Alabama 36670
Pastor's First Interview About Divorce After 30 Year Relationship (Part 2)
in Motivation
Relationships developed during trauma often struggle. Pastor Stephen McCrary discusses his divorce that followed a 30 year relationship, sharing his personal struggles and challenges. Social Worker Ira Rounsaville provides insight on marital red flags and how to heal and embrace a "new normal" after divorce.
Pastor Stephen McCrary is a dynamic thinker and visionary leader dedicated to expanding the Kingdom of God. With a fervent passion for guiding souls toward their destined purpose and authentically helping people, he serves as the Founder of The Abundance of Grace Ministries based in St. Louis, Missouri.
Ira Rounsaville is a Masters level social worker with over 20 years work experience in mental health services. His work experience includes working with adults, children and families in the areas of juvenile justice, addictions, social-emotional learning, mental health, youth development, sexual health and relationship coaching.
G's Power Hour - Host: Gretchen -NHISG Entertainment -Diet Diva Tara Collingwood
in Motivation
G's Power Hour - Host: Gretchen -NHISG Entertainment -Diet Diva Tara Collingwood
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About Self Help
No matter the physical shape we're in, from time to time we may find we have inner work to do, in order to help us experience a more fulfilling life. Whether it's goal-setting, developing coping skills, connecting with a power greater than ourselves or trying to kick old habits, BlogTalkRadio's community of listeners, hosts and guests can help you on your journey to personal transformation. Get inspired with daily, weekly and monthly shows that let you thrive as an active participant, or enjoy the anonymity of being a silent observer in a comforting space with solutions-seeking individuals. Popular topics include time management, soul therapy, adults and children with special needs, 12-step programs, codependence, chakras, empowerment, anxiety and ADHD disorders, music therapy, pet therapy, overcoming obstacles, vision boards, hypnosis, healing and recovery, conquering depression, and personal development through community outreach. Browse these and more to help you achieve your personal best.