Live in Spirituality

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#Rastafari #Fridays #TJIF #Psalm 57 #RSS #33 #Bechukotai 2024-05-31 #lionofjudah
in Spirituality
#Rastafari#Discipleship #Friday #RSS #33 #Bechukotai #FriDay 2024-05-31 #Psalms 57 #podcasting #tgif #sabbath #Shabbat #BlackJews @LOJSociety.org
#TJIF = Thank JAH It's Friday!?I & I RasTafari Sabbath Eve Podcast Rss @LOJSociety
Thank JAH It's Friday has a completely different meaning than simply “Thank God It’s Friday” for the Rastafari Church of the Firstborn and faithful Black Jews of the Synagogue (I-ssembly) of the?Lion of Judah Society?than for others. Sure, it's the end of the work week, but it's also a sacred time to livicate ourselves, I & I, to exploring I & I relationship with the Most I….JAH RASTAFARI. Depending on the branch of Judaism, eighteen minutes before sunset, the Shabbat candles are lit and blessed, and the evening and next day is "a rest of love freely given, a rest of truth and sincerity, a rest in peace and tranquility, in quietude and safety."?
We, Spiritual?Israelites, the “Soul people” and “Hebrew people of The Book” have always used music in worship of JAH (Psalm 150 is a good example); in the First and Second Temples, the Levites engaged in vocal and instrumental music, with the liturgy being sung chorally. Shabbat shalom!
Paranormal Fridays - Angel & Mike talk about the Near Death Experience
in Spirituality
Welcome to Paranormal Fridays! Join Angel & Mike as they talk about all things paranormal. You're invited to listen each week as they take the subjects of interest from across the globe and put them on the table for an open discussion. And don't worry, this is not for the deeply but it is for the deeply curious. Become a part of the Paranormal Friday Tribe by visiting them on the web or joining them on Facebook.
Each week we discuss different topics through the view of a paranormal eye! Pick up your PF gear and support our efforts to bring you into our paranormal talk! GEAR: https://new-age-spirit-radio-store.printify.me/products
Website: https://www.newagespiritradio.com/our-programs
Join our tribe: Facebook: www.facebook.com/Paranormal-Fridays-101542185691512
The Rapture...what is that? Part 2 of 2
in Spirituality
Welcome back to Challenges of Faith Radio Program. Will you be there for it? Part 2 of 2
COFRP listeners..consist of Female @ 57.1 % Males @ 28.6 Unidentified @ 14.3....Ages 25-27 @ 14.3% 28-34 @ 14.3% 35-44 @ 42.9% 45-59 @ 28.6 %
COFRP airs: on Amazon Music, Apple, JAM ,Pandora, Podbean and Wave
COFRP was ranked 4th (Jan 2-March 8, 2024) and 5th (3/8- now) among the top 100 Christian podcast blog.feedspot.com/christian_podcasts/
COFRP info: Ph 305.902.4766 E-mail cofrp@protonmail.com Website :http://challengesoffaithradioprogram.com/
Episode # 721 - 6/2/2024
in Spirituality
Join us for the latest channeled information about creation, energy direction, collective consciousness challenges, & self-love. Call in to receive channeled guidance on how to powerfully create what you want. Discover & release blocks & move back into the vibration that allows you to expand & manifest. Powerful, fun, & informative, this show is what you have been looking for!
Listen to Dee on the following radio networks:
BBS Radio - http://bbsradio.com/consciouscreation iTunes/Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conscious-creation-radio-show/id574823210 Google Podcast - https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL3Nob3cvMzYzMDY5OC9lcGlzb2Rlcy9mZWVk Transformation.fm on Transformation Talk Radio - https://www.transformationtalkradio.com/host/dee-wallace,105.html Himalaya - https://www.himalaya.com/Spirituality-podcasts/conscious-creation-radio-show-885312 -
Dreamtimes and Thoughtforms: Cosmogenesis from the Big Bang to Octopus and Crow
in Spirituality
From the origins of the cosmos to the microbiome, COVID-19 pandemic, UFOs, and the shapeshifting of octopuses and language of crows, Richard Grossinger traverses the mysteries and enigmas that defi ne our universe and personal reality. Beginning his narrative with the Big Bang, origin of the Milky Way, and birth of our solar system, Grossinger o ers a chronology of Earth’s geological, climatological, biological, and sociological evolution, leading to the current environmental and psychospiritual crisis. He explores the origin of cell life, RNA-DNA, and larger biomes, detailing in particular the remarkable intelligence of crows and octopuses. He uses the Australian Aborigine Dreamtime to understand landscapes as thoughtforms. He then o ers reimaginings, from the perspective of “dreamings,” of a wide variety of animals, including tardigrades, llamas, sea turtles, pigeons, bees, and coyotes. Examining the scientific dilemmas and paradoxes of consciousness, time, and quantum entanglement, Grossinger carries these into the range of issues around reincarnation, past-life memories, messages from the afterlife, and ghosts. Sharing exercises from his personal practice, Grossinger makes a distinction between the Buddhist description of reality and how Buddhist practitioners create an operating manual for the universe and an assured path of salvation. The author then examines UFOs and their connections to elementals, fairies, and cryptids in terms of psychoids, Jung’s term for transconscious processes that enter our world as autonomous entities.
Taking the reader on a journey through the seen and unseen universe, from the Big Bang to the imaginal landscape of Dreamtime, Grossinger shows that matter is infused with spirit from its very beginning.
Babaji Says Honor Our Fathers
in Spirituality
Prophet Babaji sends his blessings to all fathers this month. He will answer all questions during the radio show.
Prophet Babaji available for phone and chat readings instantly. You can reach Babaji by calling 1-888-626-7386 ext. 160181. You can visit his website through this link: https://jslink.co/gurujihhprophetbabaji.
You can learn more about Babaji through his website: http://bit.do/gurujihhprophetbabaji and his new site https://lwguide.com/lwguide/guruji-hh-prophet-babaji/.
Email your name, date of birth, your person(s) of interest's name(s) and date(s) of birth and your questions to gurujihhprophetbabaji@gmail.com.
You can also check out Prophet Babaji's social media sites by going to https://jslink.co/Prophet_Babaji_social_media.
For entertainment purposes only. This is not a substitute for professional advice/services. No medical, pregnancy, legal or lotto questions please.
Bridging the Gap to Reality
in Spirituality
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the shifting thought from a mental/material basis to a Spiritual basis and the expectations for this dynamic. Listen as they discuss the difference between thinking with the five corporeal senses and Knowing with the seven Spiritual senses. In this show they will explore some of the benefits for wanting to upgrade from sense to Soul. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and live without mistake.
June 3, 2024 MindShifters Radio with host dr michael and jeanie ryce
in Spirituality
1st Hour
Timothy J. Hayes, Psy.D., is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Crystal Lake, Illinois. With over thirty years of successful experience doing therapy with individuals and families, Dr. Hayes integrates mind/body energy techniques into a client-friendly model. This model is based on the observation that people possess within themselves all the resources necessary to deal effectively with a wide variety of problems and challenges they may be facing. visit https://ch4cs.com
2nd Hour
The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael and jeanie ryce are the founder and director of HeartLand, a self-healing center in the Ozark mountains. Michael is a world renowned lecturer and teacher on health and healing, with doctorates in Naturopathic Medicine and in Holistic Philosophy. The focus of his studies has combined bodymind principles, physics and ancient Aramaic studies into a unique body of pioneering work in the fields of self-healing, healing through relationships, anger and grief resolution, world peace and the inner process of Forgiveness. For more information visit www.whyagain.org
845-277-9131 Live Readings w Psychic Medium Toni Greene
in Spirituality
Toni Greene is a world renowned Psychic Medium, Hosts 3 TV Shows; Create A Life You Love, Healing With Toni & Psychic Medium Toni G, and the author of 7 books. Toni will answer your questions and help you connect with loved ones on the other side. Psychic Medium Toni Greene airs on WSCS, Rude Rangers TV and many Streaming channels. Join Toni https://solo.to/tonigreene
Connecting Between Worlds with Medium Mari
in Spirituality
Join me LIVE on June 3rd at 6pm ET to chat about mediumship with Medium Mari.
We will also offer messages from loved ones and fur babies who have left us to callers.
Mari Cartagenova is an Internationally known Psychic Medium, Animal Communicator and best selling Author with clients from all over the globe. She specializes in heartfelt messages from both passed loved ones and living or passed animals. Mari also helps to find lost and missing pets with the help of spirit and works frequently with uncovering clients past lives.
Learn more about Mari here: https://www.mediummari.com/
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