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- Live & Upcoming Episodes (384)
A Team of Voices
in Poetry
Welcome to A Team of Voices radio...
Sponsored by the AP Taylor Poetry Foundation...
Our group is filled with Love and Respect... We're all so happy to see you here... We are poets from all over the globe with listeners from over 60 countries...
The hosting team offer a variety of programs for your entertainment...
There is something different going on nearly every night of the week...
You never know what we have up our sleeve... like jokes poetry games... slams... talk shows... magic tricks... contests and special events with poetic topics from a - z...
and YOU are invited to join us for all the fun. - just click on to listen to the live show or to hear any prerecorded episode and you can also call up to participate... at 1 646 668 2837
You can find our hosts and hostesses writing over at All Poetry.com and hanging out in the A Team of Voices radio group chat room Our hosts and hostesses push love and respect! - Stop in and check us out...
Bad Company ... with... Greyeyes Smith
in Poetry
Come hangout with the biggest baddest poets on AllPoetry. If you were or ever wanted to be part of the in crowd. This is the place for you, where naughty meets nice and the poets are cooler than ice. Let your bad side out with a mix of open poetry and rebelious show topics. May contain adult content, use discretion as needed no hate, explicit swear words or abuse of others will be tolerated.
The Kerri Edelman Show Presents New Yorker Cartoonist David Sipress
in Art
David Sipress graduated from Williams College and went on to a master’s program in Russian History at Harvard before leaving to pursue a career as a cartoonist. His first cartoon appeared in The New Yorker in 1998. Since then, he has published over seven hundred cartoons in the magazine. During the presidential election in 2012, he became the first Daily Cartoonist on the New Yorker website, and his topical cartoons have continued to appear on newyorker.com ever since. His cartoons have been published in the Boston Phoenix, Time, Parade, Playboy, Funny Times, the Washington Post, Harper’s, and numerous other publications. He has published eight collections of his cartoons. He was the 2016 winner of the National Cartoonists Society’s Reuben Award for Gag Cartooning. He has lectured widely about the art of cartooning, including at Williams College, the Yale Art Museum, and even on the Queen Mary II as the “Cartoonist at Sea”. David’s personal history essays have appeared often on newyorker.com; they range from an appreciation of the great Italian chef, Marcella Hazan, to the story of David’s family’s experience of the Kennedy assassination. David has been widely interviewed about his cartoons and his writing, including on ‘Sixty Minutes’ and ‘Fresh Air with Terry Gross.’ His memoir, WHAT’S SO FUNNY?, was published in 2022. The New York Times called it, “An endearingly vulnerable tale of being molded by one’s family of origin, then crawling out from under its suffocating weight.” A lifetime New Yorker, David lives in Brooklyn with his wife Ginny Shubert, an attorney and activist who works on issues of housing and health.
Rhythm & Rhyme with IntimidusRex...
in Poetry
We are built in and of fluidity where tonal resonance in both voice and instrument beats heavily and with strength inside every fibre of our being. Poetry and music have been intrinsically intertwined for thousands of years, ancient Greeks used the lyre and Chinese the pipa and guqin. Think of the troubadors and minstrels who had unprecedented freedom of speech inre content and how voice and strings could soothe the savage breast and delight upper crust audiences as well as local townsfolk. At LNP, we encourage you to join in and draw from the modern offerings whom we shall highlight, thereby opening our thoughts, ideas and genres that we enjoy at home, in stadiums, outdoor venues and on the radio anytime, anywhere. We are generations of tempo-ed voices birthing our hearts, pain, anthems, protests, humor, satire, embracing all things poetic, musical and those forms where the love of, begins, with you.
A Team of Voices
in Poetry
Welcome to A Team of Voices radio...
Sponsored by the AP Taylor Poetry Foundation...
Our group is filled with Love and Respect... We're all so happy to see you here... We are poets from all over the globe with listeners from over 60 countries...
The hosting team offer a variety of programs for your entertainment...
There is something different going on nearly every night of the week...
You never know what we have up our sleeve... like jokes poetry games... slams... talk shows... magic tricks... contests and special events with poetic topics from a - z...
and YOU are invited to join us for all the fun. - just click on to listen to the live show or to hear any prerecorded episode and you can also call up to participate... at 1 646 668 2837
You can find our hosts and hostesses writing over at All Poetry.com and hanging out in the A Team of Voices radio group chat room Our hosts and hostesses push love and respect! - Stop in and check us out...
Discovering "Me" Through Poetry
in Poetry
Late Night Poets and Purely Poetic Pens are Pleased To Present ..."Discovering "Me" Through Poetry". Come join Naomi Sara and Company as We delve into magical, mythical and mystical realms embracing our inner magic and letting our poetic muse shine through.
Garden of Enlightenment ... Luyu Wild Dove & Company
in Poetry
"Poetry IS When an Emotion has Found its Thought and the Thought HAS Found Words"... Robert Frost Poetry has its own individual voice in each of us. It is the lyrics of our experiences that form and shed enlightenment in who we are. Each poem paints what is, what is missing and the desires that burn inside each of us that we crave. They are the door we open in our soul's closet taking out our hidden treasures, exposing them to the world. Trinkets, jewels of emotions of different textures, colors and strengths we place before you in poetry.
A Team of Voices
in Poetry
Welcome to A Team of Voices radio... Our group is filled with Love and Respect... We're all so happy to see you here... We are poets from all over the globe and offer a variety of programming for your entertainment...
There is something different going on with us every single night of the week... You never know what we might have up our sleeve...
We have games... slams... talk shows... magic tricks... contests and special events with poetic topics from a - z...
and YOU are invited to join us for all the fun. - just click on to listen to the live show or to hear any prerecorded episode and you can also call up to participate...
You can find our hosts and hostesses writing over at All Poetry.com and hanging out in the A Team of Voices radio group chat room on All Poetry.com... We push love and respect! - Stop in and check us out...
After Midnight with Rex and Pam...
in Poetry
Stop in After Midnight, We at L-N-P's After Midnight invite you to- dine on the words, voices of those giants; those ministers to the maelstrom brewing third eye bright, screamt from that reality, billowing, with their breaths. You've suckled with Bukowski, published obscene odes with Ginsberg, went on the Road with Kerouac and broke on through the other side with Morrison. Come .... walk past the edge of Midnight, open those doors wide and step through that portal. And as your eyes see, then the mind becomes a playground, a vast universe, Unique. Free, of the constraints born in preconceived theories, where your voice, will be uncloaked, Heard.
Nia Davis at the Intersection of Food Justice - Compost Grow Eat Repeat!
in Visual Arts
FOCUS AREA: Social Justice and Community Engagement. Sojourner Truth African Heritage Museum will focus on Social Justice and Community Engagement. It is also an economic and workforce development program, demonstrating how artists from multiple disciplines can be instrumental in developing and implementing critical campaigns to address our most pressing community issues.
An introduction to Nia Davis:
Nia is a fourth-generation educator and a forever student. She learned to love the natural process of giving back to the Earth. Her specialty is composting/soil restoration, which heals and helps the plants we grow and eat and feeds the birds and bees.
Through working in the public school system, she saw the importance of culturally relevant lessons and crafts curricula with pride.
While serving the Twin Rivers school district, she learned about food insecurity in school neighborhoods and taught classes on harmful additives such as Red #40, which is found in commonly consumed foods.
She connected students to a variety of natural foods while also starting a compost collection system. The compost collection system showed the children what happens to food waste as it transitions from the school cafeteria to the community center garden and decomposes into rich, digestible soil for growing vegetables and herbs. Many refer to her as the Compost Queen due to her enthusiasm for collecting food scraps.
Nia’s passion and motivation are fueled by the obvious need to share knowledge on composting for soil health, growing food for autonomy, eating consciously for clean energy, and repeating for quality of life. Her Compost Grow Eat Repeat methodology is based on the order of giving, caring for, and consuming LIFE!!
Don’t ask don’t follow
in Books
Don't ask don't follow
meet Beth Ralston who leaves her job and family tof find her fluster Emily
Twisted Tuesdays with The Twisted Sisters...
in Poetry
Welcome To Twisted Tuesdays with The Twisted Sisters... and A Twisted Mister or Two .... Each Week We Will Provide Food For Thought !... From A Few Angles... We Encourage You to Check Out The Late Night Poets Topic Board...or...The Allpoetry.com Contest Page ... Love To See Where Our Ideas Take You !
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