Popular in Religion

Trump Draws 100,000 To New Jersey Rally
in Christianity
Trump, trapped in the northeast for his criminal trial, draws 100,000 to a weekend rally in New Jersey, Michael Cohen set to testify this week, San Francisco receives backlash for spearheading $5 million program that gives free alcohol to the homeless, A Trump voter proved Mike Lindell wrong. Now he wants his $5 million prize, Trump says Haley is ‘not under consideration’ for VP slot, and McDonald's to launch $5 meal deal to lure back diners after pricing out low-income customers with high prices.
in Christianity
Tune in TODAY (Saturday 05/04/24) LIVE at 4 pm EST (3 pm CT/9 pm GMT) on Blog Talk Radio to hear: "STOP BLAMING GOD FOR YOUR SINS!" Just dial (319)527-6197. Or listen online by clicking on this link.
Build Your House: Ep 21 - "????THEY HAVE NOT KNOWN ME;????"
in The Bible
Build Your House: Ep 21 - "????THEY HAVE NOT KNOWN ME;????"
in Prayer
SPEAKER: Dr. Adrienne Rowe
INTERCESSOR: Min, DeMarcus Williams
TODAY We are thrilled to welcome an extraordinary guest who will delve into our theme in a truly distinctive manner, offering us a glimpse into why quitting is simply not an option for her.
Her life stands out as a testament to God’s unfailing faithfulness and boundless grace, even amidst seemingly insurmountable challenges. Firmly anchored in the conviction that God's plan for her is flawless and His promises are unwavering, she embodies resilience and trust. In this distinctive presentation, accompanied by those who have journeyed alongside her, you will be transported to a realm of faith that propelled her into the unique purpose crafted for her by God. It's a faith some have yet to witness until this very moment.
Join with us and participate in this interactive episode. Learn how in the midst of adversity our awesome guest prevailed when others may have given up. She is Passionate about God and 'Quitting is not an Option.
CALL IN: 516-387-1609
"It's DEW Time with Pastor Steph" - 5-6-24 - "The PERFECT Questions for Mentors!...
in Christianity
A word from the Lord and a praise to get your day jump started!!
The Witch, The Priestess, and The Cauldron #195:Fae & Mythical Creatures 5/2/24
in Religion
We witches often work with the elements, as we blend between the realms, and communicate with a variety of spirits and entities. Spirits of the Fae and other mythical creatures can sometimes be tricksters who might cross our paths. How do we determine if these beings are friend or foe? Join Elvyra and Deb as they discuss this question and the nature of these beings.
Professional witches Elvyra Love and Deborah Voith discuss all things Pagan. Learn about goddess worship, altar tools, seasonal witchcraft rituals, spellcraft, symbolism, and divination. Whether you are new to the Craft or have been practicing your whole life, this show will have something for you. We'll share personal stories, popular mythologies, practical techniques, historical traditions, contemporary controversies, and more, from a place that offers both ancient reverence and modern perspectives on what it is to walk a Pagan pathway.
Tonight's topic is The Fae and Mythical Creatures: Friends or Foes?.
Also be sure to catch our syndicated episodes on Tuesdays!!
in Other
In this episode we will talk about the struggles and benefits of waiting. Wait on God
in Religion
SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our Sabbath evening broadcast. Be sure to join us for our discussion. Grab your study tools and follow along in your bibles. B'Shem Yahushua Ha'Mashiach...HALLELUYAH!
The Eric Fraize Radio Program | Episode 001
in Other
Join Reverend Eric J. Fraize OCF, OSB in this, the return of The Eric Fraize Radio Program on WKJV. Topics range from religious to political. You can call in too!
Trust in YHWH!!! HE is always faithful to keep HIS word!!!
in The Bible
(Isa 54:10) For the mountains may depart, and the hills be removed; but my loving kindness will not depart from you, and my covenant of peace will not be removed,” says Yahweh who has mercy on you.
- ...
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Few things in life set us apart as distinctly as what we believe (or don't believe). From the most fervent among us to those just beginning to explore the possibilities, religion is a powerful force in our lives. BlogTalkRadio is where believers and nonbelievers of every denomination gather day in and day out to find resources, preach to others practicing and discuss the specific belief systems that guide us, bind us and often divide us. Christians, Pagans, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Pantheists, Sikhs, Jews, Wiccans, Unitarians, Satanists, Druids, Agnostics, Atheists, Secular Humanists and more will find likeminded friends to dialogue with, whether in heated debates or in collective prayer. You'll hear from bestselling authors, world leaders and kindred followers for inspiration and fellowship. And for those listeners and hosts who consider themselves spiritual but not religious, we've even got a separate Spirituality category to explore beliefs on your own terms.