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in The Bible
We are changed by the power of the Word and through the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Let the Word of God show you who you are in Him.
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Voice of true broadcast
in Prayer
Let me introduce myself my name is Brother Timmie No matter what we go
Romans 1:16 God's Power, the Gospel, is for Salvation
in The Bible
The power of God, changing water to wine, raising the dead, healing the infirmities,forgiving sins, feeding the thousands and resurrecting from the dead is similar to Salvation.
the same Greek word is used, dynimus, in the NT 120 times translated: mighty works, power, miracles, virtue, wonderful works, strength, mighty deeds, violence, abundance Rev. 18:3.
Power, specifically miraculous power
Mat 6:13 first time used, Matt.7:22 wonderful works, Matt. 11:23 mighty works, Matt.26:64 right hand of power , Mark 5:30 virtue,Mark 6:2 mighty works, Mark9:39 miracle, 1 Cor 15:56 strength, 2 Cor 12:9 strength,power, Rev 19:1 power, last time used
Speaking LIVE Wednesday's With Apostle Desmon Dobbins
in Christianity
“We warmly invite you to participate with us. Our esteemed Special Guest, Apostle Karen Osborn, will be our host and engage us with inquiries about our journey. The attendees of our Nairobi, Kenya trip included me, Apostle Desmon Dobbins, Minister Cecily Smith, Elder Thealeta Jackson, and Evangelist Venetta Edmonds.” We were hosted there in Kenya by Prophet Shadrack Dickson.
"The Womb of A Godly Spiritual Mother"
in Christianity
Dr LaNell Turner shares on the topic of Spiritual guidance from a Godly Mother to her children whether biological or adopted.
The bible tells of those who we should immulate and how to expect the hand of God to make the difference as we raise the next generation in the nurutre and admonition of the Lord Jesus Christ.1
Jesus Is Lord!
True Vine International Church Pastor Illona Watters Every Thursday @ 6pm
in Christianity
Pastor Illona Watters
True Vine International Church Pastor Illona Watters Every Thursday @ 6pm
in Other
Pastor Illona Watters
Manna 101 Salvation Ed;False Conversion False Convert False SalvationFalseSpirit
in Other
Salvation education, fellowship, communion. The real Jesus Christ who he is who he's not. The marks of a false conversion. Have cracker and grape juice on hand for communion in remembrance. No calls. amstartestamonial@gmail.com
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