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The Heart Of Love Radio Show with Rev. Dr. G. Wright
Join Rev. Dr. G. Wright as he discusses tonight's message. Come ready to be inspired and be ready to inspire others with your personal reflections and convictions. Come with an open heart and mind, ready and willing to receive from one another.
in Comedy
New York City-based Comedian Nancy Lombardo, has performed her unique comedy from coast to coast. TV credits include The Colin Quinn Show NBC, SNL, “All My Children” The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, PBS, Comedy Tonight, Nickelodeon and the Comedy Channel. She can be seen weekly on The Nancy Lombardo Show channel 56/83/34 NYC and live worldwide on www.mnn.org. She has written for Penthouse and Cracked magazine and created Ms. Quotable, a comic strip for Lady's Circle Magazine. Nancy was a winner of the Toyota Comedy Festival "Laughter in Motion” and a Cable Arts Insight Comedy Award." Spot-lighted more than once in *Backstage, as both comedian/writer, she currently indulges her taste for the irreverent in her Stand Up Comedy and shows, "Jazz Housewife." She is a member of The Friars Club. www.comedyconcepts.com downloads available at www.cdbaby.com/Artist/NancyLombardo
https://www.amazon.com/dp/1513684272?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860 A POCKETFUL OF CONFIDENCE NOW AVAILABLE NOW ON KINDLE and her latest book https://www.amazon.com/AH-MUSINGS-INNER-MUSE-LOOSE/dp/151369362X and just out in time for all the holidays. https://www.amazon.com/Holiday-Shorts-Keep-your-pants/dp/1666406031
Word of God
Come and be with god. Today on the show we are going to talk about. Matthew 6:9-13
A Manic Tuesday?
in Pop Culture
Scams are closer than you think. A short discussion about some options and a cautionary tale.
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